Changing the Past (Type Gray)

full course
  1. What Am I? (Type Gray)
  2. Psychic “Ability” (Type Gray)
  3. Psi, ESP, & Clairvoyance (Type Gray)
  4. Dreams, Impressions, & Hallucinations (Type Gray)
  5. Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Gray)
  6. Input – Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Gray)
  7. Output – Probability Shifting (Type Gray)
  8. Output – Historical Shifting (Type Gray)
  9. Changing the Past (Type Gray)
  10. Intention (Type Gray)
  11. Adaptive or Directive? (Type Gray)
  12. Input & Output Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Gray)
  13. People, Places, Objects, & Ideas (Type Gray)
  14. Precognition & Probability Shifting (Type Gray)
  15. Real-Time Clairvoyance (Type Gray)
  16. Postcognition & Historical Shifting (Type Gray)
  17. Psychic Episodes (Type Gray)
  18. Different Modes of Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Gray)
  19. Other Terms for Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Gray)
  20. You Are Not Alone: CS (Type Gray)
  21. Magical Thinking & Psychic Confusion (Type Gray)
  22. The Difference Between Types of ESP (Type Gray)
  23. Having Doubts:CS (Type Gray)
  24. Psychokinesis (Type Gray)
  25. Forms of Psychokinesis (Type Gray)
  26. PK or CS Healer? (Type Gray)
  27. Science Crash Course (Type Gray)
  28. Autokinesis (Type Gray)
  29. PK Thermal Influence (Type Gray)
  30. PK Light Influence (Type Gray)
  31. PK Electrical Influence (Type Gray)
  32. You Are Not Alone: Auto-PK (Type Gray)
  33. Probability Shifting or Autokinesis? (Type Gray)
  34. Having Doubts? (Type Gray)
  35. 1 Last Question (Type Gray)
  36. Ninja jk


For now, think of it this way. Say you create a file on your computer. That file exists in the present, but was created in the past.

docxWhen you created the file there were certain labels set like the type of file (example: .pdf, .jpeg, .docx) and you named the file (example: My File).

Now, in the present, you can change the very nature of the file by changing its name to “My Document.” Now, the file was not instantly changed to “My Document” in the actual past, but that’s its name now.

So you just changed a variable in the present of something that was created in the past; you rewrote the record. BUT, there are limits set by physics, there are only so many things you can call the file and these are probabilities or possible names. For instance, you couldn’t have named the file “O*7J%$G#!,” because that is NOT an option….

If you don’t believe me, try to name a file on your computer with the name “O*7J%$G#!”

So, to summarize, the record of the past can be changed in the present, but only from one possibility to another. This means you cannot create new possibilities, make copies of already existing possibilities, or delete/remove any possibilities.

eventsThis makes historical shifting, and probability shifting in general, forced-choice like multiple choice. You are only given so many events to choose from, and it’s best to stick to the most likely events.

Have you ever been listening to songs on your phone and wished your favorite song would come on next and it did?

It could have been a lucky coincidence, but if you do this often, it might just be probability shifting.

Right now ideas of shifting the stock market in your favor or shifting in favor of that job promotion you have been after for the past year may be coming to mind when thinking about the potential uses of probability shifting.

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