You Are Not Alone: Auto-PK (Type Gray)

full course
  1. What Am I? (Type Gray)
  2. Psychic “Ability” (Type Gray)
  3. Psi, ESP, & Clairvoyance (Type Gray)
  4. Dreams, Impressions, & Hallucinations (Type Gray)
  5. Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Gray)
  6. Input – Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Gray)
  7. Output – Probability Shifting (Type Gray)
  8. Output – Historical Shifting (Type Gray)
  9. Changing the Past (Type Gray)
  10. Intention (Type Gray)
  11. Adaptive or Directive? (Type Gray)
  12. Input & Output Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Gray)
  13. People, Places, Objects, & Ideas (Type Gray)
  14. Precognition & Probability Shifting (Type Gray)
  15. Real-Time Clairvoyance (Type Gray)
  16. Postcognition & Historical Shifting (Type Gray)
  17. Psychic Episodes (Type Gray)
  18. Different Modes of Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Gray)
  19. Other Terms for Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Gray)
  20. You Are Not Alone: CS (Type Gray)
  21. Magical Thinking & Psychic Confusion (Type Gray)
  22. The Difference Between Types of ESP (Type Gray)
  23. Having Doubts:CS (Type Gray)
  24. Psychokinesis (Type Gray)
  25. Forms of Psychokinesis (Type Gray)
  26. PK or CS Healer? (Type Gray)
  27. Science Crash Course (Type Gray)
  28. Autokinesis (Type Gray)
  29. PK Thermal Influence (Type Gray)
  30. PK Light Influence (Type Gray)
  31. PK Electrical Influence (Type Gray)
  32. You Are Not Alone: Auto-PK (Type Gray)
  33. Probability Shifting or Autokinesis? (Type Gray)
  34. Having Doubts? (Type Gray)
  35. 1 Last Question (Type Gray)
  36. Ninja jk

Did You Know You Are Not Alone?

didyouknowautoBack in 1998, there were estimated to be at least 300,000 Reiki Masters and 2 million + Reiki practitioners worldwide. These numbers are much higher today. While many reiki healers may not be aware they may ba clairvoyant simulators or healing-PK experiencers, they do know that they are able to heal through a manner which is not yet entirely understood and explainable by science. According to a 2007 survey, at least 1.2 million people are estimated to have received reiki treatments in the U.S. alone, including about 161,000 children.

Methods of healing touch are taught at over 800 hospitals and it is estimated that about 30,000 nurses use a healing touch method in U.S. hospitals every year. The chart below shows the percentage of people in the United States that said they believed in psychic healing and psychokinesis in general during a poll of 1,012 people in 2001 and 1997.


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