Autokinesis (Type Gray)

full course
  1. What Am I? (Type Gray)
  2. Psychic “Ability” (Type Gray)
  3. Psi, ESP, & Clairvoyance (Type Gray)
  4. Dreams, Impressions, & Hallucinations (Type Gray)
  5. Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Gray)
  6. Input – Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Gray)
  7. Output – Probability Shifting (Type Gray)
  8. Output – Historical Shifting (Type Gray)
  9. Changing the Past (Type Gray)
  10. Intention (Type Gray)
  11. Adaptive or Directive? (Type Gray)
  12. Input & Output Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Gray)
  13. People, Places, Objects, & Ideas (Type Gray)
  14. Precognition & Probability Shifting (Type Gray)
  15. Real-Time Clairvoyance (Type Gray)
  16. Postcognition & Historical Shifting (Type Gray)
  17. Psychic Episodes (Type Gray)
  18. Different Modes of Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Gray)
  19. Other Terms for Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Gray)
  20. You Are Not Alone: CS (Type Gray)
  21. Magical Thinking & Psychic Confusion (Type Gray)
  22. The Difference Between Types of ESP (Type Gray)
  23. Having Doubts:CS (Type Gray)
  24. Psychokinesis (Type Gray)
  25. Forms of Psychokinesis (Type Gray)
  26. PK or CS Healer? (Type Gray)
  27. Science Crash Course (Type Gray)
  28. Autokinesis (Type Gray)
  29. PK Thermal Influence (Type Gray)
  30. PK Light Influence (Type Gray)
  31. PK Electrical Influence (Type Gray)
  32. You Are Not Alone: Auto-PK (Type Gray)
  33. Probability Shifting or Autokinesis? (Type Gray)
  34. Having Doubts? (Type Gray)
  35. 1 Last Question (Type Gray)
  36. Ninja jk


autopkAutokinesis (Auto-PK) is the psychokinetic influence of energy including kinetic, potential, thermal, gravitational, sound, light, electrical, and electromagnetic radiation, and so on.

Experiencers of autokinesis seem to be able to increase, decrea    se, and convert different types of energies.

Energy can be broken down into two main groups. The first group is kinetic energy (movement related energy), which is the energy an object has due to being in motion, and is the work needed to accelerate an object from rest to its velocity.

bowlingFor example, a bowling ball has kinetic energy when it’s moving. When it strikes the pins, some of that energy is passed on to the pins and moves the pins.

Another example is the game of pool or billiards, where the cue ball it struck, and it hits another ball, and the cue ball stops and that other ball goes from being still (at rest) to being in motion.

Experiencers of auto-PK seem to be able to put objects into motion, change the direction of an object in motion, and affect the speed of an object in motion towards or away from the experiencer by increasing or decreasing its speed.

girlballThe second group is potential energy (stored energy), which is the energy of an object or system with respect to the position of the object or the arrangement of the particles of the system. For example, the energy stored when picking up a ball, but not yet dropping it. Another example is pulling a coiled spring, but not yet letting it go.

In both of these cases, letting go of the ball, or letting go of the spring, will result in the potential energy being released and the ball will drop and the spring will go back to its original position.

Experiencers of auto-PK seem to be able to increase or decrease the speed of an object traveling downwards.

Experiencers of auto-PK also appear to be able to reverse this effect, resulting in levitation.

Levitation in this case involves the psychokinetic influence of lifting and holding an object against the force of gravity in a stable position without any physical contact.


In the order of the most common, experiencers usually report levitation as:

  • Making him or herself “lighter” to increase physical performance.
  • Levitating his or her own body during deep meditation or during sleep, usually seen by others and not always felt by the experiencer — less common.
  • Levitating small objects – uncommon.


Several forms of energy fall within the kinetic and potential energy groups. However, the most commonly reported auto-PK effects include electric, magnetic, luminous, infrared, and thermal energy.

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