Psychic Type Profile (Type Black)


Personality Traits

personalityPsychic Type Blacks are briefly defined as people who often have a history of severe emotional trauma during childhood, such as losing a loved one or may have had a near-death experience. They are peaceful, quiet, reserved, considerate, caring, and easygoing people who assume a “live and let live” approach to life. They are very independent, perfectionistic, steadfast, meticulous, responsible and usually have an excellent memory. They are highly sensitive to their environment and often have an exceptional and innate ability to work with subtle differences in color, tone, texture, aroma, and flavor. They usually allow others to direct their lives, tend to be emotionally well rounded, and highly empathic. They require a great deal of personal space, prefer the “hands-on” approach, often take life too seriously, and are misperceived as being standoffish, distant, or possessing a superiority complex due to their shy and quiet nature. They also have a special bond with children and animals.

Myers-Briggs Related Psychic Types:

ISFP Overview – “Quiet, friendly, sensitive, and kind. Enjoy the present moment, what’s going on around them. Like to have their own space and to work within their own time frame. Loyal and committed to their values and to people who are important to them. Dislike disagreements and conflicts, do not force their opinions or values on others.” – Myers & Briggs Foundation

ISFJ Overview – “Quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscientious. Committed and steady in meeting their obligations. Thorough, painstaking, and accurate. Loyal, considerate, notice and remember specifics about people who are important to them, concerned with how others feel. Strive to create an orderly and harmonious environment at work and at home.” – Myers & Briggs Foundation

type-blackPsychic Experiences (ESP & PK)

Those who score high in Psychic Type Black are possible experiencers of Clairvoyant Interaction and/or Clairvoyant Simulation where Clairvoyant Interaction is a type of Clairvoyance, Clairvoyance is a type of Extrasensory Perception (ESP), and Extrasensory Perception is a type of Psi.

Those who score high in Psychic Type Black may also be possible experiencers of Umbrakinesis, where Umbrakinesis is a type of Psychokinesis (PK), and Psychokinesis is a type of Psi.

CIISFP’s are usually experiencers of Clairvoyant Simulation  (if they consider themselves an introvert) where they mainly receive information psychically from the universe about the present (remote viewing/sensing), and may experience probability shifting (synchronicity/meaningful coincidences) where they can shift the current state of events. They can also be Trance & Physical Mediums (Clairvoyant Interaction) where they can see, sense, feel, and even embody spirits (if they consider themselves to be more of an ambivert; “a combination of both” introversion and extroversion).

This embodiment can be simple like a spirit communication through automatic writing, or more complex like the spirit taking over the speech or whole body of the medium temporarily to communicate with loved ones. They not only have spirit interactions but also seem to be able to help spirits crossover into the afterlife (psychopomp). ISFP’s may have Umbrakinetic experiences that involve the psychic influence of near-infrared light and occasionally visible light, especially the bio-light and near-infrared light emitted by their own body and the bodies of others (which may include spirit bodies). This can result in spontaneous energy emissions that can make things warm or even glow, and as a result, they make great psychic light healers.

ISFJ’s are usually experiencers of Clairvoyant Simulation where they mainly receive information psychically from the universe about the present (remote viewing/sensing), and the past (postcognition/retrocognition). They may experience probability shifting (synchronicity/meaningful coincidences) where they can shift the current state of events and even change the past. They are not mediums like ISFP’s, they cannot directly interact with the dead, but they can pick up on information about the past, including the life a spirit had when alive, or even the past lives of the living.

With past information about a deceased person, there is only information and no personality or behavior. ISFJ’s like ISFP’s may have Umbrakinetic experiences that involve the psychic influence of near-infrared light, but rarely visible light. This is the result of pair production that can make things warm or even glow, and as a result, they can make good psychic healers, but only if their energy is weak and gentle enough for healing; otherwise they usually only work well with influencing the light in the environment, not people.

All CEHE Courses for (Type Black) – 80+ mini-classes available


Course #1: What Am I? – 50 Classes (Finished)

  • Learn everything you need to know about your type through easy to understand descriptions, lots of images, mini-quizzes, and a little bit of humor along the way.
  • If you are not sure that you are having psychic experiences, in this course you will most likely find out that you’ve been having these experiences all along, you just didn’t know what you were looking for. Being able to identify your experiences is the first step in developing your psychic potential.

Course #2: Why Am I?  – 32 Classes (Finished)

  • Discover why you have these psychic experiences.
  • Reveal what drives your experiences like your personality, your needs, and goals, your age, your life events, and your levels of awareness.
  • Learn all about different kinds of illusions that can trick and confuse you, which will jumpstart your psychic development.
  • Learn how to protect yourself from negative psychic experiences.

Course #3: How Far Can I Go?

  • This course will reveal the limits of your psychic potential and how to make simple “tweaks” to your personality, daily activities, and general behavior to increase your psychic potential and overcome many of those limits.

Course # 4: What Can I Tweak and How?

  • Learn to work smarter, not harder to develop your psychic skills.
  • Reveal more detailed tweaks to adjust and refine your psychic experiences to properly meet your needs. Tweaks are simple and practical things that you can do more often to create more occasions for psychic experiences to grow and thrive.

Course #5: How Do I Get There?

  • Access a simple and practical guide for psychic enhancement for the rest of your life.
  • Learn techniques and how to apply them for psychic development.
  • Learn how to adjust those techniques over time to grow with you.

Course #6: How Do I Stop? – Overview – more classes to come.

  • Explore more deeply the reasons why you are having negative psychic experiences if you are having them.
  • Learn to apply very simple and practical ways to either tone down your intense psychic experiences or completely stop your negative psychic experiences.
  • Learn to apply simple techniques to prevent you from having negative psychic experiences in the future.

Course #7: What Should I Do?

  • Explore your own life story to include a sense of purpose, meaning, hope, and faith in your psychic experiences.
  • Learn different perspectives that may help you with making smaller decisions – like whether or not enhance.
  • Learn different perspectives that may help you make bigger decisions – like if you should keep your psychic experiences a hobby or make them a full-time career.
