Psychic Types


What Are Your Psychic Types?

The Top 4 Psychic Types

Psychic Types TelepathyThe TOP 4 Psychic Types (White, Red, Purple, Blue) are all types of telepathy (people-to-people communication). Whites and Reds are very social, extroverted, and Purples and Blues are less so, because they are introverted. But, still people-orientated. Whites and Reds only have one direction to their experiences (input or output), while Purples and Blues have two directions (input and output).

The TOP 4 Psychic Types only deal with living people and are only present-based.

Now for PK. The TOP 4 Psychic Types only do well with direct healing, either being near a person or touching a person. Reds work with thermal energy, heat things up. Whites work with air and wind. Purples work with visible light energy. Blues work with thermal energy, cool things down, and also work with liquids like water.

More Information & Classes

Top 4 Psychic Types

Type Red – ESTP-J

Type Blue | ISTP-J

Type White | ENFP-J

Type Purple | INFP-J

The Bottom 4 Psychic Types

Psychic Types Clairvoyance

The BOTTOM 4 Psychic Types (Green, Yellow, Black, Gray) are all types of clairvoyance (universe/Nature-to-experiencer or entity-to-experiencer communication). Greens and Yellows are very social, extroverted, and Black and Grays are less so because they are introverted. This means that Greens and Yellows are both people-oriented and Nature-oriented, while Blacks are too, but are more focused on the sick, dying, or deceased than the living, and Grays are mainly Nature-oriented. Greens and Yellows only have one direction to their experiences (input), while Grays have two directions (input and output) and Blacks technically have three directions (interaction [input] and simulation [input/output]. The Greens, Yellows, and Grays only get information from the universe, not directly from people. Information can be about people, but it’s “about” them, not “from” them. Some Yellows may get information meditated through the universe from “spirit guides,” and may get information about deceased people through their spirit guides or the universe if they lean towards Black.

Blacks are a bit more complicated, but the same characteristics apply. They do receive information from a deceased person, but the information is mediated by the universe. This means that the spirit of a deceased person can take over their speech and movements, but the “spirit” doesn’t actually have to be physically there to do it. It’s all mediated through the universe, and controlled by both the experiencer and the spirit. However, only about half of Blacks actually communicate with the dead, while the other half are actually clairvoyant simulators that usually only have postcognitive experiences (can receive information about someone’s or something’s past). Some Blacks may have an interaction [output] direction to their experiences in the form of energizing spirits (physical mediumship, which results in increased spirit activity), or psychopompic activity (helping the spirits of the dead cross over into the afterlife).

Unlike the TOP 4, the BOTTOM 4 Psychic Types have the characteristics of time (past, present, and future), that’s the 4th dimension part, time.

profilingmodelThe more one leans towards the left, the more present-based their experiences will be. The more they lean towards the center, the more future-based their experiences will be. And, the more they lean towards the right, the more past-based their experiences will be.

The BOTTOM 4 Psychic Types also seem to reach beyond the 4th dimension to dimensions not yet entirely known or understood by us. The more you lean towards the left, the more likely you will communicate with entities or Nature. However, the more you lean towards the right, the more likely you will communicate with spirits of the dead or Nature.

Now for PK. The BOTTOM 4 Psychic Types do well with both direct healing and distance healing. Greens work with bio-energy, so only with living things. In rare cases, they can influence the weather. Yellows work with electrical and electrostatic energy, Blacks with invisible infrared energy, and Grays work with a little bit of every kind of energy.

More Information & Classes

Bottom 4 Psychic Types

Type Yellow | ENTP-J

Type Gray | INTP-J

Type Green | ESFP-J

Type Black | ISFP-J

What Are Your Psychic Types? Take the PSYCHIC TYPE Quiz Here!

Looking for something on the go? You can now download the first two courses for Type Black in a convenient PDF. Download Now!

For more info, please see the Classification & Statistical Manual for Extrasensory Experiences, 1st Edition: CSM-EE, which is FREE to download and is 189 pages. Classification info can also be found on the CEHE Clinical Parapsychology Website.

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