Age of Onset & Psychic Potential (Type Gray)

full course
  1. Authenticity & Accuracy of Psychic Experiences (Type Gray)
  2. Notice Psychic Clues & Become Confident In Your Psychic Experiences (Type Gray)
  3. Limiting Factors for Psychic Potential (Type Gray)
  4. Age and Psychic Experiences (Type Gray)
  5. Creativity, Flexibility, Curiosity, Adventure, and Psychic Potential (Type Gray)
  6. Challenges, Unity, and Psychic Potential (Type Gray)
  7. Gratitude, Thankfulness, and Psychic Potential (Type Gray)
  8. Emotional Intelligence & Psychic Potential (Type Gray)
  9. Emotional Intelligence & Psychic Potential: Part 3 (Type Gray)
  10. Emotional Intelligence & Psychic Potential: Part 4 (Type Gray)
  11. Emotional Intelligence & Psychic Potential: Part 5 (Type Gray)
  12. Vocabulary, Descriptive Power, & Psychic Potential (Type Gray)
  13. Vocabulary, Descriptive Power, & Psychic Potential: Part 2 (Type Gray)
  14. Life Experience & Psychic Potential (Type Gray)
  15. Age of Onset & Psychic Potential (Type Gray)
  16. Personality Extremes & Combinations (Type Gray)
  17. Personality Extremes & Combinations: Part 2 (Type Gray)
  18. Psychic Experience Characteristics of Personality Type 1 (Type Gray)
  19. Psychic Experience Characteristics of Personality Type 2 (Type Gray)
  20. Psychic Experience Characteristics of Combination Gray/Yellow (Type Gray)
  21. Psychic Experience Characteristics of Combination Gray/Black (Type Gray)
  22. Psychic Experience Characteristics of Combination Gray/Green (Type Gray)
  23. Psychic Experience Characteristics of Combination Gray/Blue (Type Gray)
  24. Psychic Experience Characteristics of Combination Gray/Red (Type Gray)
  25. Psychic Experience Characteristics of Combination Gray/White (Type Gray)
  26. Psychic Experience Characteristics of Combination Gray/Purple (Type Gray)
  27. Model of Psychic Experiences: The Top 4 (Type Gray)
  28. Model of Psychic Experiences: The Bottom 4 (Type Gray)
  29. How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Intuition (Type Gray)
  30. How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Intuition II (Type Gray)


ages2OK, so we just went over some of the most limiting factors when it comes to psychic potential. I know, it seems like a lot of stuff, so let’s look at it again summarized to make it a little clearer. This time, we’ll only look at each level of psychic potential based on age of onset.

But remember, IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE PERSON, so while the following information applies to the average experiencer, not everyone is “average.” There are a lot of if’s, and’s, and but’s to psychic potential.

Onset: Ages 0-3

babyOpenness to Experience: very high. Emotional Intelligence: very low. Vocabulary & Descriptive Power: very low. Onset: very common.

Experiences are purely spontaneous, and can be in dream, intuitive, or hallucinatory. Experiences may become more intentional around ages 13-16. Hallucinatory experiences may fade as you get older.

Onset: Ages 3-5

3-5Openness to Experience (if not in preschool): very high, (if in preschool): a little less). Emotional Intelligence: very low. Vocabulary & Descriptive Power: very low. Onset: common.

Experiences are purely spontaneous, and can be in dream, intuitive, or hallucinatory.

Psychic experiences may stop around this age and pick back up around ages 13-16. Experiences may become more intentional around ages 13-16. Hallucinatory experiences may fade as you get older.

Onset: Ages 6-12


Openness to Experience: high. Emotional Intelligence: low. Vocabulary & Descriptive Power: low. Onset: rare. Risk of Negative Experiences: high/medium.

Experiences are purely spontaneous, and can be in dream, intuitive, or hallucinatory. Experiences may become more intentional around ages 13-16. Hallucinatory experiences may fade as you get older.

Onset: Ages 13-16

teenOpenness to Experience: medium. Emotional Intelligence: medium. Vocabulary & Descriptive Power: medium. Onset: common. Risk of Negative Experiences: very high.

Experiences are mainly spontaneous, some may be intentional, and can be in dream, intuitive, or hallucinatory. Hallucinatory experiences may fade as you get older.

Onset: Ages 17-22


Openness to Experience: medium/low. Emotional Intelligence: medium/high. Vocabulary & Descriptive Power: high. Onset: common. Risk of Negative Experiences: high/medium.

Some experiences are spontaneous, others may be intentional, and can be in dream and/or intuitive. In rare cases hallucinatory experiences may happen, but may fade as you get older. Hallucinatory experiences are mainly when falling asleep, waking up, or in an altered state of consciousness.

Onset: Ages 22+

22plusOpenness to Experience: very low/low. Emotional Intelligence: medium/high. Vocabulary & Descriptive Power: medium/high. Onset: usually occurs when/after experiencing a major trauma (severe illness, injury, intense stress or crisis), but can happen as a result of regular meditation, or inducing other altered starts of consciousness (examples: through hypnotherapy or psychedelic drug use). Risk of Negative Experiences: medium/low.

Some experiences are spontaneous, others may be intentional, and can be in dream and/or intuitive experiences, but usually only when in altered states of consciousness like meditation. Hallucinatory experience are highly unlikely, but may happen when falling asleep, waking up, or in deep altered states of consciousness.


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