Biokinesis: Experimental Methods November 19Theresa M. KellyArticlesbiokinesis, biokinesis experiement, biokinesis method, energy healing, psychokinesis
Atmokinesis: Spontaneous Heating and Cooling September 16Theresa M. KellyArticlesatmokinesis, psychokinesis, spontaneous cooling, spontaneous heating
Clouds, Prevailing Winds, Time, & Forms of Measurement September 16Theresa M. KellyArticlesatmokinesis, atmokinesis measurement, cloud formation, weather influence
Chaotic Systems, Prediction Limitation, & Dangers September 16Theresa M. KellyArticlesatmokinesis, butterfly effect. weather influencing, weather control
Water Vapor and Aerokinesis August 26Theresa M. KellyArticlesaerokinesis, gases, psychokinesis, water vapor
Shortness of Breath and Aerokinesis August 26Theresa M. KellyArticlesaerokinesis, breath, psychokinesis
Motion vs. Inertial Forces August 26Theresa M. KellyArticlesaerokinesis, inert force, motion, psychokinesis
Influence of Wind to Direct a Solid – Indoors August 26Theresa M. KellyArticlesaerokinesis, psychokinesis, wind
Forms of Wind Measurement August 26Theresa M. KellyArticlesaerokinesis, anemometer, anemometer app, psychokinesis, wind measurement
Absolute Pressure – Indoors vs. Outdoors August 26Theresa M. KellyArticlesaerokinesis, air pressure, psychokinesis
Psychic Education is Critical to Psychic Performance August 25Theresa M. KellyArticlesparanormal, preformance, psychic, psychic education
Psi-Mediated Instrumental Response (PMIR) August 25Theresa M. KellyArticlesmediated, needs, PRMI, psi, response
The Need-Serving Quality of Psychic Phenomena August 25Theresa M. KellyArticlesattention, needs, psi, psi modeling, psychic, psychic phenomnea, role of psi
Psi and Non-local Communication August 25Theresa M. KellyArticlescommunication, non-local, probability, psi
Psychic Phenomena and Quantum Efficiency August 25Theresa M. KellyArticlespsi mediation, psychic phenomnea, qbits, quantum
The Macroscopic Challenge for Quantum Computation August 25Theresa M. KellyArticlescomputation, entropy, macroscoptic, quantum
Computational Living Systems August 25Theresa M. KellyArticlesliving systems, quantum computation, quantum computer
Psychic Energy Field Models August 25Theresa M. KellyArticlesbiophotons, energy field, psi energy, psychic energy, psychotronic
Paranormal Cognition – A Normal Cognitive Process August 19Theresa M. KellyArticlescognitive process, normal, paranormal, paranormal cognition, psychic
Biological Non-locality & Neuro-Quantum Interactions August 19Theresa M. KellyArticlesbiological, interaction, non-local, quantum
The Measurement Problem & Wave Function Collapse August 16Theresa M. KellyArticlescollapse, function, measurement, problem, quantum, wave
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle August 16Theresa M. KellyArticlesheisenberg, principle, uncertainty
Quantum Non-local Communication August 16Theresa M. KellyArticlescommunication, non-local, quantum, quantum teleportation
Quantum Mechanics and Cognitive Science August 16Theresa M. KellyArticlescognitive science, quantum mechanics
Microscopic and Macroscopic Quantum Interaction August 16Theresa M. KellyArticlesindeterminism, macroscopic, mechanics, microscopic, physics, quantum
Psychic Enhancement & Mental Health August 15Theresa M. KellyArticlesmental health, psychic enhancement
Psychic & Psychological Profiling August 15Theresa M. KellyArticlesmbti, myers-briggs, psychic profiling, psychological profiling
Myers-Briggs Types & Psychic Types August 15Theresa M. KellyArticlesmyers-briggs, personality, psychic, psychic profiling, psychic type
Psychic Types and Myers-Briggs August 15Theresa M. KellyArticlesmbti, myers-briggs, psychic profiling, psychic type
Psychic Experiences and Mental Illness August 15Theresa M. KellyArticlesmental illness, psychic, psychic ability, psychic experiences
Decreased or Lost Psychic Experiences Due to Personality Changes August 15Theresa M. KellyArticlesceased, decreased, lost, personality, psychic experience, stoppped
Psychic Experiences and Physical Illness August 15Theresa M. KellyArticlesillness, physical illness, psychic, psychic experiences, psychic type
Psychic Phenomena and Physiological Abnormalities August 15Theresa M. KellyArticlesalpha, delta, psychic, psychic phenomena
Cognitive Skills and Psychic Performance August 15Theresa M. KellyArticlesIntelligence, IQ, psychic, psychic performance
Visual Imagery and Object Meditation August 14Theresa M. KellyArticlesmeditation, object meditation, visual imagry
Rhythmic Aerobic Meditation August 14Theresa M. KellyArticlesaerobic meditation, dance meditation, meditation, rhythmic meditation, running meditation
Psi and the Default Mode Network August 14Theresa M. KellyArticlesdefault mode network, defult mode, psi
High Arousal vs. Low Arousal Meditation August 14Theresa M. KellyArticleshigh arousal meditation, low arousal meditation, movement meditation
The Health Benefits of Meditation August 14Theresa M. KellyArticleshealth, meditation, metal health, physical health, psychic health
Meditation: Getting Started and Maintaining Motivation August 14Theresa M. KellyArticlesmeditation, motivation
Concentration vs. Mindful Meditation August 14Theresa M. KellyArticlesconcentration meditation, meditation, mindful meditation, zazen
Improving Psychic Performance by Changing Your Environment August 14Theresa M. KellyArticlesenvironment, psychic, psychic enhancement, psychic experiences, psychic type
Why Do Ghosts Wear Clothes? August 14Theresa M. KellyArticlesapparitions, extrasensory experiences, first sight model, ghosts
Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis – Why Sub-types Are Important August 14Theresa M. KellyArticlesextrasensory percpetion, psychic, psychokinesis
Why Can I Put Objects into Motion, But Not Keep Them Going? (PK) August 13Theresa M. KellyArticlesinert, motion, psychokinesis, rest, stop, telekinesis
The Difference Between Wanting & Needing Psychic Experiences August 13Theresa M. KellyArticlesneed, perform, psi, psychic, psychic experiences, psychic need, want
Psychic Experience Do’s & Dont’s August 13Theresa M. KellyArticlesdo, don't, psychic, psychic ability
What Is Your View On Multiverse Hypotheses or Parallel Universes? August 12Theresa M. KellyArticlesmultiverse, parallel universe
Telepathy-Based Attack & Defense Strategies August 12Theresa M. KellyArticlesmind control, telepathic attach, telepathy, telepathy attack
Stopping Objects In Motion – Psychokinesis PK August 12Theresa M. KellyArticlesaerokinesis, autokinesis, motion, psychokinesis, telekinesis
OK, I’m Psychic, But How Do I Use It? August 12Theresa M. KellyArticlespsychic, psychic ability, psychic performance, psychic training, use
Getting Control Over Psychic Experiences August 12Theresa M. KellyArticlescontrol psychic ability, mental health, physical health, psychic, psychic health
Shutting Off A Psychic Ability August 12Theresa M. KellyArticlescontrol, psychic ability, shut off, stop
I Believe In Psychic Experiences, But a Loved One Doesn’t August 12Theresa M. KellyArticlesability, experiences, paranormal belief, psychic, skeptic, skeptical
Free Online Umbrakinesis Courses August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programscourse, free, umbrakinesis
Free Online Telepathy Courses & Degrees August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programscourse, free, psychic, telepathy
Free Online Telekinesis Courses August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programscourse, free, psychokinesis, telekinesis
Free Online Remote Viewing Courses & Degrees August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programscourse, free, remote-viewing
Free Online Psychokinesis Courses August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programscourse, free, psychokinesis
Free Online Psychic Courses August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programsclairvoyance, course, free, precognition, psychic, psychic empathy, telepathy
Free Online Precognition Courses & Degrees August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programsclairvoyant, course, free, precognition, psychic
Free Online Postcognition Courses & Degrees August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programscourse, free, postcognition, retrocognition
Free Online Mediumship Courses & Degrees August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programscourse, free, free online medium course, medium, mediumship
Free Online Lumokinesis Courses August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programscourse, free, lumokinesis, psychokinesis
Free Online Hydrokinesis Courses August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programscourse, free, hydrokinesis, psychokinesis
Free Online Intuition Courses August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programscourse, free, intuition, psychic
Free Online Empathy Courses & Degrees August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programscourse, empath, empathy, free, psychic empath, psychic empathy
Free Online Electrokinesis Courses August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programscoure, electrokinesis, free, psychokinesis
Free Online Cryokinesis Courses August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programscourse, cryokinesis, free, psychokinesis
Free Online Clairvoyance Courses & Degrees August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programsclairvoyant, claivoyance, course, free, psychic
Free Online Biokinesis Courses August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programsbiokinesis, course, energy healing, free, psychokinesis, reiki
Free Online Autokinesis Courses August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programsautokinesis, course, free, psychokinesis
Free Online Atmokinesis Courses August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programsatmokinesis, course, free, psychokinesis
Free Online Aerokinesis Courses August 8Theresa M. KellyCourses & Programsaerokinesis, course, free, psychokinesis
Do I Receive Psychic Messages From a Spirit Guide or Nature? August 5Theresa M. KellyArticlesclairvoyance, nature, psychic information, spirit guides, universe
Can I Shut Off my Psychic Ability? August 5Theresa M. KellyArticlesanxiety, out of control, psychic ability, shut off, stop, stress
Can Someone Read A Book Just By Touching It? August 5Theresa M. KellyArticlesclairsensing, clairvoyance, postcognition, psychometry, quantum, retrocognition
Empath Moods and Other People’s Emotions August 5Theresa M. KellyArticlesemotion, empath, empathy, mood, psychic empathy