Clinical Parapsychology Resources
CEHE offers Clinical Parapsychology professional info for Exceptional Experiences including: classification, diagnosis, cause and prevention factors, measures, and treatment options for distressing experiences. Use Above Navigation to Browse
CEHE offers a FREE (189 pages) Classification & Statistical Manual of Extrasensory Experiences, 1st Edition: CSM-EE to get you started, and we have a higher-education and comprehensive Clinical Parapsychology Textbook (563 pages) available for purchase in PDF, Kindle, Nook, Paperback, and Hardcover format.
- Free Download: Classification & Statistical Manual For Extrasensory Experiences: CSM-EE, 1st Edition. Center for Exceptional Human Experiences.
- Purchase Textbook: Clinical Parapsychology: Exceptional Extrasensory Experiences, 1st Edition, University of Alternative Studies.
Clinical Parapsychology Courses
Professional Clinical Parapsychology training in regard to extrasensory experiences are offered through the University of Alternative Studies. Please note, these are academic science programs, not psychic development programs.
Clinical Parapsychology Courses»Psychic Development & Crisis Courses
CEHE offers several psychic crisis and psychic development courses. All courses are 100% FREE and are for both adults and teens. Our courses are science-based, with lots of images, mini-quizzes, interactive media, and a little bit of humor along the way!
Psychic Development Courses »Parapsychology-Related Research Participation
Online Clinical Parapsychology-related research studies conducted in the area of Exceptional Experiences that are open to the general public. These studies may or may not be directly affiliated with CEHE.
Parapsychology Research »