A cloud is a visible mass of small water droplets or frozen water crystals (0.01 mm diameter) suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of the Earth. Denser clouds appear white because they exhibit a high reflectance (70% to 95%) throughout the visible wavelengths, at least from the top.
In exercises pertaining to cloud formation, atmokinesis experients direct and concentrate large masses of humidity (water vapor) into a small area above them and then cool the area within the concentration just enough to cause cloud formation without initiating precipitation by avoiding temperatures at or below the dew point.
The most commonly reported clouds formed by atmokinesis experients are Family C clouds (mainly cumulus and stratus clouds) and when these clouds contact the ground, they are called fog. Cumulus clouds are often referred to as “puffy” or “cotton-like” in appearance. These clouds may appear alone, in lines, or in clusters.
Stratus clouds are characterized as clouds horizontally layering the sky with a uniform base, as opposed to convective clouds, which are tall or taller than they are wide (cumulus). These clouds can be described as flat, hazy, featureless clouds of low altitude varying from dark gray to nearly white.
Influence Takes Time – Minutes, Hours, Days
A general limitation typically reported by experients of atmokinetic phenomena is in regard to the time between atmokinesis experient influence and excited weather outcomes.
These limitations are day-by-day (within 24 hours), hour-by-hour, (within 60 minutes), or minute-by-minute (within 60 seconds). There have been no reports reasonably linking more than day-by-day influence and no less than minute-by-minute influence.
These reports suggest that atmokinesis experients are influencing existing weather conditions either currently in effect in their area, or predicted weather conditions expected to occur in their area within a 24 hour period. Atmokinesis experient influence also appears to be localized to the experient, whereby not affecting neighboring regions.
Prevailing Winds and Forms of Measurement
Winds are caused by differences in pressure. When a difference in pressure exists, the air is accelerated from higher to lower pressure. Because of this, atmokinesis experients should be encouraged to exercise wind-based exercises in the opposing direction of wind origination.
Appropriate directions are typically based on prevailing winds. Typically, experients in the United States should face southwest, experients in the United Kingdom should face east, and experients in Canada should face northeast.
As these directions are only typical, atmokinesis experients should base their direction on prevailing winds in the specific location. Wind gusts created close to the ground (semi-localized or localized) are recommended as wind gusts in the higher atmosphere can result in destructive atmospheric effects especially during the warmer seasons.
Wind gusts are short bursts of high-speed wind typically from 1 (calm) to 10 (gentle breeze) knots. For measurement, atmokinesis experients should obtain an anemometer. An anemometer is a device for measuring wind speed and can be divided into two classes: those that measure wind velocity, and those that measure wind pressure.
For outdoor wind-based exercises, an anemometer that measures wind velocity is required. Anemometers range in type, size, and price, but can be very affordable.
(Adapted from the eBook “ Manual of Atmokinesis: Applications, Experimentation, and Measurement ” by Theresa M. Kelly, MsD.)