Offering FREE Online Parapsychology Education for the EXCEPTIONAL

Free Online Psychic Courses

Free Online Psychic Courses

Featured Courses:

  • FREE Online Psychic Course | Development & Psychic Crisis Courses ยป Free educational, interactive, science-based classes are now being offered by the CEHE for age 14+ focusing on learning how to: (1) Classify and identify different types of psychic experiences, (2) Identify the causes and effects of psychic experiences, (3) Build natural psychic skills, (4) Enhance experiences to improve quality of life for yourself and others, (5) Stop negative psychic experiences, and (6) Implement psychic experiences into your daily life and career. Also, CEHE offers expert help and guidance. Classes for Adults & Teens. CENTER FOR EXCEPTIONAL HUMAN EXPERIENCES / Distance Learning / Online Courses / Adult & Teen Education / FREE
  • Clairvoyance Course: Basic Intro โ€“ This course is available to those simply seeking to expand their knowledge-base, and for those who prefer to view basic quality content prior to enrolling in a UAS paid course or program. Course content is freely and publicly available without registration. There are certificates included with this course. / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / FREE
  • Psychic Empathy Course: Basic Intro โ€“ This course is available to those simply seeking to expand their knowledge-base, and for those who prefer to view basic quality content prior to enrolling in a UAS paid course or program. Course content is freely and publicly available without registration. There are certificates included with this course. / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / FREE
  • Telepathy Course: Basic Intro โ€“ This course is available to those simply seeking to expand their knowledge-base, and for those who prefer to view basic quality content prior to enrolling in a UAS paid course or program. Course content is freely and publicly available without registration. There are certificates included with this course. / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / FREE
  • Clairvoyance Course: Basic Course – This course is available to the public for those simply seeking to expand their knowledge-base, and for those who prefer to view basic UAS quality content prior to enrolling in a paid course or program. There are no exams, essays, or certificates included with this course. University of Alternative Studies / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / FREE
  • Psychic Empathy Course: Basic Course – This course is available to the public for those simply seeking to expand their knowledge-base, and for those who prefer to view basic UAS quality content prior to enrolling in a paid course or program. There are no exams, essays, or certificates included with this course. University of Alternative Studies / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / FREE
  • Telepathy Course: Basic Course – This course is available to the public for those simply seeking to expand their knowledge-base, and for those who prefer to view basic UAS quality content prior to enrolling in a paid course or program. There are no exams, essays, or certificates included with this course. University of Alternative Studies / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / FREE

Featured Certification Programs:

  • Scientific Clairvoyantology: Professional Certification Program Clairvoyantology is a sub-discipline of scientific parapsychology involving over a century of interdisciplinary research involving the psychical influence and analysis of a hypothetical objective environment termed the universal information system in which is capable of storing, retaining, and recalling information pertaining to past objects and events, remote objects and events in real-time, and probabilistically determining the potential trajectory of future events. In addition, the analysis of anomalous communication with immaterial entities. University of Alternative Studies / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / FREE
  • Scientific Empathology: Professional Certification Program– Empathology is a sub-discipline of scientific parapsychology involving over a century of interdisciplinary research involving the analysis of the emotional basis of consciousness and the mental and physiological processes associated with a wide variety of emotional experiences. University of Alternative Studies / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / FREE
  • Scientific Telepathology: Professional Certification Program– Telepathology is a sub-discipline of scientific parapsychology involving over a century of interdisciplinary research in regards to the biological basis of consciousness and the mental processes by which we perceive, act, learn, and remember. University of Alternative Studies / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / FREE

Featured Degree Programs:

  • Clairvoyance Studies – Bachelor of Science Degree – This Degree Program provides a detailed framework, without complicated equations, onto which more advanced concepts can be applied. For students of Clairvoyant Studies, this Degree Program will be a revelation of what actions and influences Clairvoyants are involved in and exactly how a Clairvoyants can take their psychical ability to a completely new level step-by-step. University of Alternative Studies / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / FREE
  • Empathic Studies – Bachelor of Science Degree – This Degree Program provides a detailed framework, without complicated equations, onto which more advanced concepts can be applied. For students of Empathic Studies, this Degree Program will be a revelation of what actions and influences Empathists are involved in and exactly how a Empathists can take their psychical ability to a completely new level step-by-step. University of Alternative Studies / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / FREE
  • Telepathy Studies – Bachelor of Science Degree – This Degree Program provides a detailed framework, without complicated equations, onto which more advanced concepts can be applied. For students of Telepathic Studies, this Degree Program will be a revelation of what actions and influences Telepathists are involved in and exactly how a Telepathists can take their psychical ability to a completely new level step-by-step. University of Alternative Studies / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / FREE