As in any field of study or discipline, branching is an important requirement in organizing and understanding specific rules and laws that may only apply to one sub-discipline, or in cross sub-disciplines, which would otherwise be lost in the ambiguity of one discipline.
Branching aims to describe complex phenomena (ESP and PK: in this case considered umbrella terms to refer to a plurality of sub-disciplines) through simpler phenomena in the hope of finding a Theory of Psi.
As each psychical sub-discipline is relative to scientific and or philosophical sub-disciplines, each psychical sub-discipline embodies its own specialized terminology and laws.
When attempting to approach complex phenomena (a wide range of phenomena under one discipline) without first approaching simpler phenomena (sub-disciplines), no distinguishing lines are made between them, whether only arbitrary and ambiguous or not, resulting in obscurity, misunderstanding, and the inertia of progression towards a Theory of Psi.