- Why Am I? (Type Gray)
- Personality Type #1 (Type Gray)
- Personality Type #2 (Type Gray)
- Attention & Psychic Experiences (Type Gray)
- Why You Have Psychic Experiences (Type Gray)
- Your Needs & Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Gray)
- Needs & PK Experiences (Type Gray)
- Events and Psychic Experiences (Type Gray)
- Personality Changes & Psychic Experiences (Type Gray)
- Your Environment & Psychic Experiences (Type Gray)
- Age & Psychic Experiences (Type Gray)
- Psychic Awareness (Type Gray)
- Psychic Illusions (Type Gray)
- Belief, Meaning, & Auto Labeling (Type Gray)
- Self-fulfilling Prophecies & Ignoring When You’re Wrong (Type Gray)
- Probability & Reason (Type Gray)
- Don’t Be Fooled (Type Gray)
- Seeing Faces & Hearing Your Name (Type Gray)
- Precognition vs. Probability Shifting (Type Gray)
- Accuracy, OBEs, & Evil Presence (Type Gray)
- Weird Does Not Equal Psychic (Type Gray)
- Confusing Negative & Positive Experiences (Type Gray)
- Externalizing (Type Gray)
- Ignoring Negative Psychic Experiences (Type Gray)
- Avoid Shortcuts (Type Gray)
- Psychic Protections (Type Gray)
- #1st List of Psychic Protections (Type Gray)
- #2nd List of Psychic Protections (Type Gray)
- #3rd List of Psychic Protections (Type Gray)
- Psychic Illusions Mini-Quiz – Are You Being Fooled? (Type Gray)
- Mini-Quiz: Prone to Psychic Experiences? Ready to Enhance? (Type Gray)
- Mini-Quiz: Anxious? Depressed? (Type Gray)
If you have a dream that predicted something in the future and it came true avoid automatically labeling it as “psychic.”
You need to take into account “chance,” guessing, and you need to take into account how many dreams you have had that did not come true.
If you have 2 predictive dreams in one year, you also need to consider the dreams that were not precognitive and consider that the probability of 2 dreams out of 356 dreams per year being somewhat predictive is VERY HIGH, especially if your day-to-day is routine.
If you had a dream that you would run into a certain friend that you often do run into, that doesn’t count. Or, if they call you often and then the phone rings and you know before looking that it’s them, that doesn’t count either.
These are examples of routine and even errors in probabilistic reasoning. Also, “predictions” that are vague and generalized, those don’t count either. There needs to be detail, specifics. The more details, the less likely it’s just a coincidence.
Chance happens, routine happens, coincidence happens, and unless you have frequent dreams that come true, where the dreams and actual events have a lot of details that are the same, or the dreams predict something way outside of your routine, you shouldn’t be jumping to label a dream or an impression as “psychic.”
Look at the evidence. If it’s more likely chance than psychic, stick with chance or leave the label open to change. Coincidences happened far more, MUCH more than most people think. Here, let’s test your probabilistic reasoning skills:
There are currently 30 people in one room – what is the chance that any two of these people have birthdays on the same day? (Assuming that there 365 days in a year)
a) 0% chance
b) 5% chance
c) 70% chance
d) 100% chance
Answer: There is about a 70% chance.
If you picked 0-20%, the likelihood of you convincing yourself that chance happenings are genuinely psychic goes up the lower the percentage you chose. If you did choose a lower percentage, you may want to improve your probabilistic reasoning by Googling “probability brain teasers.” Just a suggestion….