The following research project, part-funded by the Society for Psychical Research, Dr David Vernon of the Canterbury Christ Church University is interested in exploring the nature of extrasensory perception (ESP).
If you are aged over 18, you can take part in a psychology research project at the University of Central Lancashire.
The study will investigate what people report hearing when listening to sound clips where it is unclear what is being heard. It will look at connections between a number of different personality measures and characteristics and see if these affect what people report hearing. The questionnaires used in the study covers a broad range of topics, which include attitudes and belief in the paranormal and life after death, religion, loneliness, mood, drug use, and other possibly sensitive subjects.
You should be aware that this study does focus on themes concerning the paranormal and life after death, and if you think this may upset you, you may not wish to participate.
If you are interested in taking part, or would just like to know more, please email for further information.
The States of Consciousness Research Team at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is conducting an anonymous online survey of Near Death Experiences (NDE’s), Out of Body Experiences (OBE’s) or other non-ordinary experiences that fundamentally altered beliefs or understanding about death and dying.
If you have ever had such an experience, they would greatly appreciate it if you would take their survey. If you know of others who have had such an experience please send them the link and encourage them to participate. This includes people who had such an experience long ago.
Although the survey could take 30+ minutes (the time length can vary based on how much you choose to reply to open-ended questions), you may find this survey interesting.
1. The survey is an opportunity to revisit and contemplate a significant and possibly transformative experience.
2. You may find it meaningful to further explore some of the philosophical implications of your experience.
3. You will be making a unique and important scientific contribution.
Please share: http://www.
This study aims to find out about the nature of paranormal belief. Our main question is, Who believes in paranormal phenomena such as telepathy (mind-to-mind communication), clairvoyance (seeing things outside visual range), precognition (seeing the future), and psychokinesis (mind over matter)? In order to be eligible for participation in this study, you must be 18 years or over, able to speak/read English fluently, and have access to a computer and the internet.
What you will be asked to do: You will be required to complete a series of online questionnaires. In total, this should all take no longer than 50 minutes. Students studying First-Year Psychology at The University of Adelaide will additionally be granted 1.0 research credit. Participants may also find benefit in contributing to potentially valuable psychological research, as well as gaining experience and knowledge in methods of psychological testing.
The Institute of Noetic Sciences is conducting a replication of an experiment, originally conducted by Daryl Bem, which tests for a potential precognition effect (does a future event influence the experience of a prior stimulus) and the role of experimenter expectation on study outcome. Dr. Marilyn Schlitz is the principal investigator and will be working in collaboration with Dr. Daryl Bem and Dr. Arnaud Delorme to complete the project. The experiment is very simple to complete. The experimenter tests 20 participants on a computer-based task that lasts about 20 minutes.
In order to complete the study we are collaborating with dozens of colleagues across the United States and abroad. We are reaching out to members of our IONS community with this invitation to participate
in the project!
Ways to participate:
a) If you are a scientist and/or university professor you can run the experiment yourself.
b) If you are a university professor you can recruit students to run the experiment.
c) If you know a scientist and/or university professor who may be interested, you can forward this information to them.
d) If you have your own outreach lists, you can publish/share this information with your audience.
Any one of these options represents valuable support for IONS Research Team.
Next Steps:
For more details and if you are interested in participating in this global collaboration, please send an email to our Research Assistant, Alan Pierce,
The States of Consciousness Research Team at Johns Hopkins University is conducting an anonymous, web-based study to characterize experiences of a personal encounter with something that might be described as “Ultimate Reality,” “Higher Power,” “God,” or an aspect of “God” of your understanding.
In this survey, we want to characterize various experiences of encounters with something that someone might call: “God” (e.g., the God of your understanding), “Higher Power,” “Ultimate Reality,” or an Aspect or Emissary of God (e.g., an angel).
This is a questionnaire study of personal encounters with the Divine that occur after taking a classic hallucinogen such as psilocybin or LSD. This research study is being conducted by scientists at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and has been approved by the Johns Hopkins University Institutional Review Board (IRB).
Take the Questionnaire:
This survey asks about experiences you may have had during or related to meditation practice. The majority of questions are multiple choice and address the frequency, quality or intensity of experiences you have had during meditation. The survey takes about 10 to 20 minutes to complete depending on the number of experiences you have had and the depth of further information you provide.
We will use your responses on this survey as the first step in developing an expanded set of concepts to be measured in meditation research. We want to find out how often people report having these experiences as a part of their meditation practice.
This survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. We will not collect any information that can be used to identify you unless you choose to give us that information. We will keep the information you provide strictly confidential.
Researchers at the University of Northampton would like to invite you to complete a short survey in order to investigate help-seeking behaviours of individuals who have experienced an Anomalous Experience (AE).
What do we mean by help-seeking behaviours?
“Behaviour of actively seeking help from other people,which may involve communicating with others to obtain help and support for troubling experiences”.
What do we mean by an ‘anomalous experience’?
“Anomalous experiences are those that depart from our own familiar personal experiences or from the more usual, ordinary, and expected experiences of a given culture and time” (Braud, 2010, p.1). Some common anomalous experiences that people have reported are sensing the presence of the deceased after bereavement (cf. Keen, Murray & Payne, 2012), spiritual crisis (cf. Lucas, 2011), out of body experiences, near death experiences, and psychic experiences (cf. Kramer, Bauer, & Hövelmann, 2012).
What will the study involve?
You need to be at least 18 years of age to take part. The survey is completed anonymously and takes around 10-15 minutes to complete. The deadline for the survey is 1st August 2015.
You are invited to take part in a survey conducted by Dr. Claire White, California State University, Northridge. The purpose of this research project is to learn more about past life experiences. Specifically, we are interested in why people think they have had a past life. If you believe you have lived previously, then please fill out this short 15 minute survey.”
Survey Requirements
In order to participate in this survey, you must:
- Hold the belief that you have lived previously
- Reside in either the U.S. or U.K.
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have a memory of a past life experience
Voluntary Participation and Release and Use
Although your participation in this survey is greatly valued, you have the right to withdraw your consent and leave the study at anytime without prejudice. The results of this study will be used for scholarly purposes only. Additionally, the results of this survey will be published. A link to the publication should appear at:
Questions and Concerns
If you have concerns or complaints about the research study, research team, or questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact Research and Sponsored Projects, 18111 Nordhoff Street, California State University, Northridge, Northridge, CA 91330-8232, or phone 818-677-2901.
Have you had one or more Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) in which it seems as if your sense of self or consciousness has become separated from your physical body? These experiences can occur under a variety of conditions. If you have experienced one or more OBEs, researchers at Nottingham Trent University are interested in hearing from you.
The aim of their research is to develop an OBE ‘screening’ scale which will be able to more precisely identify whether someone has had an OBE. At present no such tool exists for OBEs. Their research is not testing your experience in relation to psychological variables as is commonly done in OBE research, but instead explores the content of the experience itself to better understand it and differentiate it from other experiences.
To do this they would like your help by asking you if you would fill in an online questionnaire anonymously about the individual aspects of one of your OBEs. Your inclusion of this experience is important as it will contribute to the development of the scale. You can access the questionnaire by clicking on the link below.
The questionnaire includes full information on the study to enable you to decide whether or not to participate and offers a general definition of the OBE.
The inclusion criteria for this study (aside from your experience fitting our definition) are:
- You have no known organic condition which causes you to be prone to visual hallucinations
- You are able to provide informed consent
- You are over 18 years old
- You are able to provide a short written account of your OBE in English
- You are able to recall all of the OBE you wish to tell us about (i.e. not just give a partial account of it)
You won’t need to note these down but please only participate if you can agree with these criteria.
If you wish to find out more about the survey, or wish to take part and have any queries, please contact Andrew Hodrien at: