Founded by Theresa M. Kelly, MsD., the Center for Exceptional Human Experiences offers information through articles, assessments, manuals, books, and courses to classify exceptional experiences (i.e. extrasensory and psychokinetic experiences), identify cause and prevention factors, assess, compare, and differentiate genuine exceptional experiences from concerning abnormal behavior, and options to alleviate distressing exceptional experiences. CEHE offers general information for the public, and specialty information for psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, social workers, and family doctors.
Some of the information presented on the CEHE website are summaries and adaptations from the University of Alternative Studies’ Textbook in Clinical Parapsychology and it’s included Classification & Statistical Manual for Extrasensory Experiences (CSM-EE), which is currently in development. After publication, the 170+ page CMS-EE will be downloadable through the CEHE website in PDF format freely to the general public and interested professionals, and the textbook will be available for purchase both digitally and physically.
Much of the information presented through the CEHE website is being developed for use in clinical, educational, and research settings and the classification categories, criteria, and textual descriptions, etc. are intended to be utilized by individuals with appropriate clinical training and experience and an appropriate professional education in scientific parapsychology. However, there are articles, assessment, and courses written with the general public in mind.
Mission & Approach
We hope to inspire individuals to take a deeper look at their exceptional experiences so they may begin to enjoy the vitality and well-being that can result from positive exceptional experiences, in hopes that they will be motivated to continue this process throughout their lives. The Center for Exceptional Human Experience’s approach nurtures the interconnectivity of the mind, body and spirit, leading towards optimal attainment of physiological, psychological, emotional, interpersonal (social), transpersonal (spiritual/metaphysical) and psychic well-being. CEHE emphasizes on analyzing the whole of the self, as a means to identify deficiencies limiting health and well-being in all aspects of life.
CEHE functions as a Spiritual-Scientific approach to life, and while it encompasses the “spiritual” aspect of an individual, methods can be utilized with or without a set theological system (particular religious beliefs). This approach to healing goes beyond just eliminating negative or distressing experiences. Rather, such experiences are considered a message that something beyond the mind/body may need attention. So, the experiences are used as a guide to look below the surface for the root cause. Then what really needs attention can be addressed.
Who Can CEHE Help?
CEHE offers information for individuals who have accepted their responsibility for their own level of psychic well-being, and who are ready to become aware of, and begin to cease negative or distressing exceptional experiences as a means to take charge of their own psychic health. Psychic wellness is an on-going process, a lifestyle, of which includes a personal commitment to be consistently moving towards the right end of the wellness scale. Regardless of your current status of psychic health, individuals can improve their level of psychic well-being, even despite transitory setbacks, as permanency only occurs when one stops moving, otherwise, one is still progressing.
The 9 Steps to Positive Exceptional Experiences
- Accepting responsibility for one’s own level of emotional, psychological, physiological, and psychical health. “You are solely responsible for your own health, your own happiness, your own success, your own life.”
- Belief in an intelligent and loving power greater then one’s self, and accepting such a power into one’s life.
- Identifying and admitting to negative or distressing exceptional experiences as a means to take charge of one’s life.
- Actively replacing one’s negative or distressing exceptional experiences for positive and productive exceptional experiences to take charge of one’s daily life and future.
- Shifting one’s attention, by redesigning ones life, towards what one desires to attract and aspires to be.
- Believing in thy self, loving thy self, and accepting that one is fully capable of becoming, and taking action towards, what one aspires to be.
- Actively seeking a connection with such a power through meditation or prayer for guidance.
- Being receptive and “listening” to such powers guidance in regards to one’s life.
- Discovering how one can reach out into the lives of others, in their own way, to share their success and spiritual awakenings.