- What Can I Tweak & How: Personality & Activity (Type Gray)
- How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Introversion (Type Gray)
- How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Introversion II (Type Gray)
- How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Thinking (Type Gray)
- How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Thinking II (Type Gray)
- How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Thinking III (Type Gray)
- How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Thinking IV (Type Gray)
- How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Thinking V (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Yellow (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Yellow II (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Green (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Green II (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Black (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Black II (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Red (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Red II (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Blue (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Blue II (Type Gray)
- I Want To be More Type White (Type Gray)
- Shifting Psychic Modes (Type Gray)
- Change Psychic Dreams From Realistic to Unrealistic (Type Gray)
- Change Psychic Dreams into Empathy and Intuition I (Type Gray)
- Change Psychic Dreams into Empathy and Intuition II (Type Gray)
- Change Psychic Dreams into Altered State Hallucinations
- Changing Output Dreams (Type Gray)
Myers-Briggs Equivalent: ENTJ-P’s
To lean more towards Type Yellow, you will need to have a more vibrant (full of life) personality and be more optimistic, playful, humorous, and fun loving.
You will need to find ways to see the amusing side of life and often involve yourself in activities of an exciting, adventurous, or mischievous nature.
While Type Yellows often appear childish or carefree, they are highly responsible and organized people. They are well known for their dedication and devotion to causes, so get involved, get dedicated, stay loyal, and be devoted; whether it’s a cause you believe in or just your family and friends.
Get creative,
I’m talking about finding hobbies you love in the areas of crafting and creative writing, for example.
and allow yourself to enjoy it.
If art isn’t your thing, do it anyways, you might find an interesting way to mix your more analytical nature into your crafts to make them more unique.
TAKE UP A FORM OF DIVINATION. Usually tarot cards or oracle cards are the go-to for most. Just being mindful and watching out for “signs” is a good way to start, but you need to decide what those signs will mean.
So, set a game plan and rules before you start. Start with basics like “yes,” “no,” and “maybe,” and build up from there. You can also take classes on tarot card reading locally or online.
If you start getting anxious, fidgety, nervous, unable to relax, restless, have muscle weakness, or feel mentally exhausted and you can’t concentrate; then you need to back off a bit and focus more on mindfulness training before you give it a go again.
Focusing more on the future (a Type Yellow thing) can make you more anxious if you don’t do the work you need to deal with stress and live more in the present (mindfulness). This stuff isn’t “normal,” so don’t ignore it and start resolving it with mindfulness right away.
You will need to be more open, loyal and honest with family and friends along with being more open about your thoughts and feelings. You don’t have to go overboard, just a little more will do. Use if you feel a bit on edge about being more open and honest. Don’t be afraid to share.
Type Yellows are more aware of their surroundings, more mindful in general. So, mindfulness training is an absolute must. They are also intellectually inquisitive, logical, and analytical, so if you’re already Type Gray, this should be a walk in the park for you.
No really, go on more walks and focus on all the things you see, hear, and smell. Take a couple of friends with you too, or try to meet new people, or both! Outdoor yoga groups are a great idea to get involved with too. Get out and get some fresh air and sunshine. Type Yellows thrive in the sun.