I Want To Be More Type Red (Type Gray)

full course
  1. What Can I Tweak & How: Personality & Activity (Type Gray)
  2. How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Introversion (Type Gray)
  3. How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Introversion II (Type Gray)
  4. How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Thinking (Type Gray)
  5. How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Thinking II (Type Gray)
  6. How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Thinking III (Type Gray)
  7. How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Thinking IV (Type Gray)
  8. How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Thinking V (Type Gray)
  9. I Want To Be More Type Yellow (Type Gray)
  10. I Want To Be More Type Yellow II (Type Gray)
  11. I Want To Be More Type Green (Type Gray)
  12. I Want To Be More Type Green II (Type Gray)
  13. I Want To Be More Type Black (Type Gray)
  14. I Want To Be More Type Black II (Type Gray)
  15. I Want To Be More Type Red (Type Gray)
  16. I Want To Be More Type Red II (Type Gray)
  17. I Want To Be More Type Blue (Type Gray)
  18. I Want To Be More Type Blue II (Type Gray)
  19. I Want To be More Type White (Type Gray)
  20. Shifting Psychic Modes (Type Gray)
  21. Change Psychic Dreams From Realistic to Unrealistic (Type Gray)
  22. Change Psychic Dreams into Empathy and Intuition I (Type Gray)
  23. Change Psychic Dreams into Empathy and Intuition II (Type Gray)
  24. Change Psychic Dreams into Altered State Hallucinations
  25. Changing Output Dreams (Type Gray)



CONS: If you’re already fairly social, you might make it. If you can’t stand being around people, this is probably not a realistic expectation for you.


Myers-Briggs Equivalent: ESTJ-P’s

excitingTo lean more towards Type Red, you will need to be a lot more social and a lot more assertive. This means you will need a high level of confidence in your skills, especially your social skills. You will need to seek out exciting new experiences rather than just new experiences in general.

socialassertiveYou will also need to bring excitement into situations and excite other people. To do this, you will always need to be doing something, which will require a lot of energy. Type Reds feed on the energy of others. The more energetic the people they hang around with, the more energetic Type Reds become.

The opposite is true for Type Grays, so while Type Gray/Reds do exists, their high energy is often short lived, and they need to take plenty of time to rest and regenerate before diving back into exciting activities again.

It’s ok if you take your time planning activities out in your rest time, but you will also need to be prepared to be impulsive and in the moment once things start rolling. You will need to get very comfortable with making things up on the spot.

verysocialYou will need to start building a large circle of friends and acquaintances. I’m talking HUGE.

Your best bet on doing this is to start by making new friends that thrive on meeting new people. Just follow them around and make sure you meet everyone they meet.

Follow the people with the highest energy you can find. Because you will need your rest time, you won’t be able to keep up with the super hyper, but you should try to for as long as you can hold out.

manyideasYou will need to thirst for hearing other people’s ideas instead of just your own. You will need to hear them and then move on, rather than spending large amounts of time analyzing them.

You will need to get involved with people who love action, avoid procrastination, and start living life to the fullest before the sun even comes up, and keep up with them until long after the sun goes down.

If your brain and body hurt just thinking about this, you’re dreams of leaning more towards Type Red might not be too realistic. You don’t only need to do these things, that’s only part of the challenge. You also need to LOVE doing these things.

salespoepleDoing this stuff should, in time, mold you into an enthusiastic, talkative, party-loving, community activist that engages in public demonstration or business and/or political groups. Type Reds are excellent teachers and managers because of their superior extroversive skills, and make excellent sales people because of their mental suggestion and motivational skills.

You will need to be the life of the party, the center of attention, fully prepared and willing to deal with a wide variety of social situations, make new acquaintances quickly and easily, and genuinely enjoy working and interacting with other people.

passionType Reds are romantic, passionate, sensual, seductive, loving, deeply emotional, and compassionate.

However, many of these are shallow or fleeting feelings, because they need to keep moving on to newer and better things.

They tend to have very strong empathic and intuitive skills (non-psychic), so if you fall short in these areas, you’ll need to start working on building your emotional intelligence.

Like Type Grays, Type Reds are often seen as puzzling, mysterious, secretive, and emotionally reserved (they keep the deep stuff to themselves).

controlfreak2However, Type Reds are also emotionally sensitive (especially with rejection), are risk-takers, idealistic, and can often be power and control freaks.

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