- What Can I Tweak & How: Personality & Activity (Type Gray)
- How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Introversion (Type Gray)
- How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Introversion II (Type Gray)
- How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Thinking (Type Gray)
- How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Thinking II (Type Gray)
- How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Thinking III (Type Gray)
- How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Thinking IV (Type Gray)
- How To Become A Type Gray Extreme: Thinking V (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Yellow (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Yellow II (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Green (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Green II (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Black (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Black II (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Red (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Red II (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Blue (Type Gray)
- I Want To Be More Type Blue II (Type Gray)
- I Want To be More Type White (Type Gray)
- Shifting Psychic Modes (Type Gray)
- Change Psychic Dreams From Realistic to Unrealistic (Type Gray)
- Change Psychic Dreams into Empathy and Intuition I (Type Gray)
- Change Psychic Dreams into Empathy and Intuition II (Type Gray)
- Change Psychic Dreams into Altered State Hallucinations
- Changing Output Dreams (Type Gray)
Myers-Briggs Equivalent: ISFJ-P’s
To lean more towards Type Black, you will need to indulge more in your calm and composed personality traits. Also, you will thrive just as much in dimly lit spaces of solitude to rest and reflect as you already do being Type Gray.
Your natural shyness will be complimented, but if you’re not already viewed as a reclusive introvert, you will be now.
However, people may confuse your desire to spend time away from them as some form of superiority complex (that you think you’re “better” than everyone else), which can cause social issues with what few select friends you have.
Not drawing attention to yourself or your activities is also welcomed here, but be prepared to go unnoticed and unappreciated too. If you need a good solid pat on the back every now and again, you’re headed in the wrong direction.
If you experienced mental or physical trauma as a child, you’ll have just the right predisposition to lean more toward Type Black. They are the darker, more tortured souls, but rise above their histories to become selfless caretakers and protectors.
If you lost a close loved one recently, or in your past, this will also help with the transition, especially if you’re hoping for communication with the dead more than clairvoyant simulative experiences.
Keeping your opinions and feelings to yourself will also help you along this path. Keep close friends and family nearby though for when you feel the need to be open and share.
You will need to become a more loving, loyal, trusting, and compassionate person. This doesn’t mean just being a bit more social, but rather being as openhearted as you are open-minded.
While you’ll be able to keep a fair amount of your individualism, you will also need to give up some of it and allow others to make some decisions and plans for you. This is because while Type Grays tend to be very independent, Type Blacks tend to be more on the opposite side of the spectrum, quite dependent; at least emotionally.
You will need to be well-grounded, down-to-earth, and humble. This may be a bit of challenge for you. However, you will also need to be logical, an excellent problem solver, creative, intuitive, and regularly seeking out new interests and subjects.
Sound familiar? Of course these “new” subjects and interests don’t need to be about “new” stuff. Like the subject of history (hint, hint), it just needs to be new to YOU.
Regardless of their upbringing, Type Blacks often display an air of sophistication due to their composed body language. They are often traditional, formal, graceful, and elegant. If you’re a physically awkward Type Gray, this may take a bit of practice. If this is the case, a balance board or tai chi may be your new best friend.