Citation: Kelly, T.M. (2014). Classification & Statistical Manual of Extrasensory Experiences. Copyright © 2014 Theresa M. Kelly, MsD. Interested professionals are welcome to Download a Complimentary Copy of the CSM-EE. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Phenomenological Features
The essential feature of the (CS) type of clairvoyance is a case in which an experient’s mental or physical state appears to produce an accommodating effect in Nature, or Nature produces an accommodating effect within itself or the experient to satisfy the needs of the experient. Clairvoyant simulation appears to involve the casual effective influence of an experient’s mind on Nature, or Nature on the experient’s mind or situation, without the intervention of the five senses. In other words, an experient’s need produces an accommodating synchronistic (i.e. synchronicity) effect within Nature, or an experient’s need for the production of an accommodating synchronistic effect occurs via Nature within or otherwise in regard to the experient (e.g. an idea or an “aha! factor) or within Nature.
Information acquired is typically additive to information already known to the experient, and as aforementioned, is typically acquired unbeknownst to the experient (e.g. ideas appear to be the product of the experients own deductions and conclusions, not “synthetic”). In other words, the information is typically presented as a self-concluded “aha!” or “eureka!” more so than as obtained from Nature. Therefore, this sudden realization is typically rarely construed as intuitive by the experient.
As aforementioned, this type of clairvoyance appears to be more non-invasive then clairvoyant cognition or interaction, as the experient is typically unaware that, or does not “know” that, the accommodating information is “not their own.” The skilled experient would however be able to identify that the simulated accommodating input information originated from Nature if the experient is made aware of his/her ability to share information with Nature, and is consistently “on the lookout” for synchronistic events (e.g. needed ideas that can be identified as void of a consecutive chain of thoughts or memories). This awareness is more likely of those with both clairvoyant simulative experiences and a more invasive type of extrasensory experiences (e.g. CC or TS) as associated sensations can be more easily identified in these experiences, and applied to detect more subtle CS sensations.
The output feature of clairvoyant simulation allows the experient to negotiate probability shifting with Nature, which is accommodating to their current intentions/needs (i.e. are more focused on shifting probability than information acquisition). Probability shifting is presumed as a psychical influence on Nature’s stored probabilistic in-formation (i.e. altering the probabilistic information pertaining to an object or event). Probabilistic information that appears to be shifted can include historical, real-time, or future probabilities (i.e. probabilistic information pertaining to past, current, or potential/future events). In regard to all of these types of influence, quantum information is neither created, copied, hidden, nor destroyed, but rather appears to be negotiated (e.g. an accommodating existing future potential is selected rather than various existing non-accommodating potentials).
Regardless of the type, probability is what appears to be shifted. However, in regard to different temporal features (i.e. past, present, or future), the “change” must have been, or currently is, a probability (i.e. however low the probability of the event, the event is nevertheless permitted by the Gaussian probability distributions of physical possibilities). Through clairvoyant simulation, the experient does not “know” what the accommodating effect will be per se, nor does Nature appear obligated to accommodate. Because of the very physical nature of clairvoyant simulation (e.g. accommodating output information simulation), questions have been raised as to if clairvoyant simulation should be considered a complex form of psychokinesis. Of course, ESP in general has also raised this same question (Kelly, 2011b). The differentiation between psychokinesis and clairvoyant simulation is addressed later in this section.
Intention Specifiers
The first set of specifiers is for identifying whether the experience was intentional or unintentional.
A. Spontaneous. This specifier applies when an accommodating effect occurs void of the experient’s conscious choice, decision, or intention.
B. Intentional. This specifier applies when an accommodating effect occurs and the experient consciously selects or specifies the need for an accommodating effect, and is open to the occurrence of an accommodating effect.
The second set of specifiers is for identifying the subconscious or conscious need or goal that is assumed to be the catalyst for initiating clairvoyant simulative processes.
A. Adaptive. This specifier applies when information is shared or an accommodating effect is initiated to assist the experient in understanding and adapting, is initiated so Nature may adapt to the experients needs, or is initiated so other individuals within the experients situation may adapt to the experient’s needs. The most common need is to provide social or emotional comfort and/or a sense of security. Here the experient typically has some level of emotional investment in the situation he/she requires information or an accommodating effect pertaining to (e.g. if the experient finds him/herself in a situation in which he/she does not feel comfortable or safe, Nature can share accommodating in-formation that can alleviate anxiety, i.e. assist in conformity or change).
B. Directive. This specifier applies when information is shared or an accommodating effect is initiated that encourages activity that will lead to “good idea” or “good luck” or attract a helpful person or situation into the experient’s life seen as luck or a meaningful coincidence. In this case, the experient and Nature are attempting to achieve a goal with each other. Therefore, Nature’s “decision” to accommodate the experient’s needs is assumed weighed against the situation and the needs of others within the situation. While Nature appears to be “friendly,” it also appears to consider objectively (i.e. seems void of an individual bias). Here, Nature can, for example, share accommodating information that can lead to the alleviation of anxiety, i.e. impose direction).
The third set of specifiers is for identifying the direction of the clairvoyant simulative experience.
A. Input. This specifier applies when Nature shares information with the experient that is accommodating to their current intentions or needs (e.g. acquiring information pertaining to how, or, if things work). Information acquired is typically additive to information already known to the experient and is typically presented as a self-concluded “aha!” or “eureka!”
B. Output. This specifier applies when the experient reports probability shifting, whereby resulting in an effect accommodating to their current intentions/needs (i.e. are more focused on shifting probability than information acquisition).
The fourth set of intention specifiers is for identifying what types of synchronistic features where involved in the clairvoyant simulative experience. Typically one or more applies; therefore all that apply should be noted.
A. Individual. This specifier applies when one or more synchronistic features involve other individuals besides the experient (i.e. friend, family member, stranger, coworker, animal, insect, plant, etc.).
B. Place. This specifier applies when one or more synchronistic features are a physical location (e.g. park, school, home, restaurant, in the car, etc.).
C. Object. This specifier applies when one or more synchronistic features are inanimate physical objects (e.g. a money, number, book, computer, etc.).
D. Idea. This specifier applies when one or more synchronistic features are ideas, concepts, ideals, states, emotions, or attributes (e.g. thought, knowledge, question, anger, compassion, charity, etc.). Ideas can be further classified by identifying the nature of the idea, whether it be: coordinating (i.e. to systematically organize and arrange thoughts and ideas), constructing (i.e. to conceptualize; to construct hypotheses and theories based on known in-formation), or investigating (i.e. to logically and systematically in-quire as to the accuracy and validity of one’s judgment, and as to the how or if systems work efficiently).
E. Event. This specifier applies when one or more synchronistic features are a situation (e.g. a business meeting, ceremony, expo, weather event, sports game, birthday, vacation, etc.).
The fifth set of specifiers is for identifying the temporal feature of the clairvoyant simulative experience.
A. Precognition. This specifier applies when information acquisition pertains to the potential trajectory of a future state of an individual, object, or event. In other words, when probabilistic information pertaining to the future is perceived by an experient. This specifier includes presentiment and premonitions (i.e. where information perceived in regard to future events involves only emotional con-tent or prestimulus physical sensations that can be measured monitoring heart rate, brain waves, skin conductance, etc.).
B. Probabilistic Shifting. This specifier applies when probability shifting pertains to the potential trajectory of a future state of an individual, object, or event. Example, if existing probabilities are 1,2,3, and 4, and the most likely to occur is 1, but 2 is found to be more accommodating, then 2 will occur if simulation is successful.
C. Contemporaneous. This specifier applies when information acquisition pertains to the present/current state of a distant or unseen individual, object, or event (i.e. information pertaining to real-time states). Here, information acquisition is in real time, rather than occurring in a matter of hours, days, or months which is consistent with the precognition specifier, or in which has already occurred as of a matter of hours, days, or months which is consistent with the postcognition.
D. Real-Time Shifting. This specifier applies when shifting is in real-time. In other words, when the effect was immediate rather than delayed (e.g. for hours, days, months, etc.).
E. Retro/Postcognition. This specifier applies when information acquisition pertains to the past state of an individual, object, or event (i.e. information pertaining to historical states that may or may not be recent, but are not current).
F. Historical Shifting. This specifier applies when probability shifting pertains to the past state of an individual, object, or event (i.e. shifting pertaining to historical states that may or may not be recent, but are not current). Also known as retroactive psychokinesis (i.e. an in-stance of retroactive causation). Example, Event A only occurred because of historical shifting and Event A would not have occurred in this same manner if not for the following shift. In other words, the experient in the present time reaches back to alter the past. This is not to be confused with the concept of an experient in the future reaching back to alter our current time or our past, as this would require very different phenomenology, theories of time, and require a purely deterministic philosophical view.
Development and Course
Childhood onset may present itself through compound modalities including dream, intuitive impressions, auditory, visual, and other modes. Adolescent onset primarily presents itself most commonly through auditory, visual, other, and compound modes, with dream and intuitive impressions being less common. Adult onset primarily presents itself most commonly through dreams and intuitive impressions, with auditory, visual, and other modes being less common.
Course Specifiers
These specifiers are for identifying the characteristic course of clairvoyant simulative experiences over time.
A. Single Episode. This specifier applies when the experient reports a clairvoyant simulative episode without a prior history of episodes.
B. Episodic. This specifier applies when the experient reports clairvoyant simulative episodes of which seem to occur irregularly and of which the duration of the experience is momentary.
C. Continuous. This specifier applies when the experient reports clairvoyant simulative episodes of which seem to occur in a continual manner, or when episodes are so frequent it is difficult for the experient to determine where one episode ends and another begins (e.g. prolonged and closely spaced episodes).
Modality Specifiers
These specifiers are for identifying the characteristic mode(s) of clairvoyant simulative experiences. Here, some emotional investment in the situation on the experient’s behalf is expected.
A. Dream. Refers to when one or more accommodating effects are experienced during sleep (e.g. Nature shares information with the experient during a dream).
B. Intuitive Impressions/Emotional. Refers to when one or more accommodating effects are experienced as emotional content (e.g. Nature shares information with the experient that shifts the experients perspective, whereby resulting in an emotional shift in the experient).
C. Auditory. Refers to when one or more accommodating effects are auditive (i.e. the experient hears an accommodating effect).
D. Visual. Refers to when one or more accommodating effects are visual (i.e. the experient sees an accommodating effect).
E. Other. Refers to when one or more accommodating effects do not seem to fit into any of the above categories.
F. Compound. Several modalities are involved, in which case each mode involved should be noted.
Associated Mental Health Findings
Mental health disorders somewhat common in experients of clairvoyant simulation include: Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder; Bipolar Disorder, Depressive Disorder; Dissociative Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; Panic Disorder with or without Agoraphobia, and in rare cases, Personality Disorder and Schizophrenia (Kelly, 2011b).
Associated Medical Condition Findings
Physical medical conditions somewhat common in experients of clairvoyant simulation can include: Absence Seizures, Diabetes, Electromagnetic Sensitivity, Hyperthyroidism, and Hypoglycemia (Kelly 2011b).
Differential Classification
A variety of extrasensory and psychokinetic phenomena can present with somewhat similar phenomenology. These include:
- Clairvoyant Cognition. Applied only when there is evidence to support that the information was “known” rather than shared, or was in third-person perspective or narrative rather than seemingly having no perspective. This also applies to reports that are the result of divinatory practices.
- Clairvoyant Interaction. Applied when a sharing-like process is reported, but motor control was compromised during the process suggesting automatism.
- Telepathic Simulation. Applied if another individual is assumed to have been a participant in the sharing process rather than the environment (i.e. evidence to support mind-to-mind communication).
- Precognition. Applied when information pertaining to future events is “known” rather than shared, is not considered additive to information previously known to the experient, or the event is not accommodating. However this does not apply when an event preceding another is reported as a meaningful coincidence, and in retrospect, could be seen as a “for telling” of an event to come.
- Psychokinesis. Applied when an output effect is not accommodating, involves the direct physical influence of an individual (e.g. healing), or involves the direct physical influence of an object (e.g. movement). Psychokinesis involves energy and physical influence such as heating, cooling, illuminating, movement, levitation, etc. with very small effect sizes, while clairvoyant simulation involves primarily an effect on probability information, which can result in small to seemingly very large effect sizes. Example, if an individual is about to be assaulted and the assailant falters due to a sud-den electrical pain sensation the their body, this is more likely to be the cause of PK rather than CS (i.e. bioelectric). However, if an individual is about to experience a car accident and suddenly the most unlikely scenario plays out in which spares the experient of being in an accident, this is more likely to be the cause of CS rather than PK (i.e. shifting to the least likely probability). Example, if an individual is healed of a case of acute inflammation, this may be the result of PK (i.e. bio-energy healing/repair, where only the experient is involved in the healing process). However, if the individual is healed of a congenital disorder (i.e. a condition existing before birth, at birth, or that develops during the first month of regardless of causation), this may be the result of CS (i.e. bio-logical/genetic information shifting, where the experient and Nature are the source of the healing process).
Criteria for Clairvoyant Simulative Experiences
A. Characteristic phenomenology (Input): all of the following are required criteria for clairvoyant simulative experiences with the input feature including criteria for clairvoyance in general.
1) Accommodating information is shared between the experient and the environment/Nature.
2) Accommodating information is shared with seemingly no perspective other than the self (e.g. if visual: the image is shown from the experient’s perspective, if auditory: information is heard in-mind in the experient’s own voice and is heard in first-person narrative such as “I think,” or “I feel.”
3) Subconscious need for accommodating information present at the time of the experience.
B. Characteristic phenomenology (Output): all of the following are required criteria for clairvoyant simulative experiences with the output feature including criteria for clairvoyance in general.
(1) An accommodating and meaningful coincidence, synchronistic event, or probability shift has occurred.
(2) Subconscious need for an accommodating meaningful coincidence, synchronistic event, or probability shift present at the time of the experience.