Your Needs & Clairvoyant Interaction/Simulation (Type Black)

full course
  1. Why Am I? (Type Black)
  2. Personality Type 1 (Type Black)
  3. Personality Type #2 (Type Black)
  4. Attention & Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  5. Your Needs & Clairvoyant Interaction/Simulation (Type Black)
  6. Events and Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  7. Personality Changes & Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  8. Your Environment & Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  9. Age & Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  10. Psychic Awareness (Type Black)
  11. Psychic Illusions (Type Black)
  12. Belief, Meaning, & Auto Labeling (Type Black)
  13. Self-fulfilling Prophecies & Ignoring When You’re Wrong (Type Black)
  14. Probability & Reason (Type Black)
  15. Don’t Be Fooled (Type Black)
  16. Seeing Faces & Hearing Your Name (Type Black)
  17. Precognition vs. Probability Shifting (Type Black)
  18. Accuracy, OBEs, & Evil Presence (Type Black)
  19. Weird Does Not Equal Psychic (Type Black)
  20. Confusing Negative & Positive Experiences (Type Black)
  21. Externalizing (Type Black)
  22. Ignoring Negative Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  23. Avoid Shortcuts (Type Black)
  24. Psychic Protections (Type Black)
  25. #1st List of Psychic Protections (Type Black)
  26. #2nd List of Psychic Protections (Type Black)
  27. #3rd List of Psychic Protections (Type Black)
  28. Psychic Illusions Mini-Quiz – Are You Being Fooled? (Type Black)
  29. Mini-Quiz: Prone to Psychic Experiences? Ready to Enhance? (Type Black)
  30. Mini-Quiz: Anxious? Depressed? (Type Black)


Clairvoyant interaction and simulation tend to become noticeable when your ability to have meaningful communication and relationships with other people falls short or fails.

This is especially true when you experience a sudden increase in a need to, or a sudden decrease in your ability to, do certain things like solving problems and making decisions.

Figuring out the source of your stress that is holding you back from having meaningful communication and relationships with others will provide a path for how to move forward.

The main reasons experiencers usually have noticeable clairvoyant experiences include:

  1. Having problems being emotionally well-rounded where you can express yourself fully and be understanding and supportive towards others rather than being overwhelmed and extremely sensitive to the feelings of others and sensations of your surroundings.
  2. Having problems balancing your life including your mental, emotional, and physical health and well-being.
  1. Having problems staying informed about the people and things that mean a great deal to you. This can include not being able to keep an eye on, be helpful to, and in the general know about important events related to your family, friends, neighbors, and local community.
  2. Having problems being able to provide support or service to others in need. This includes having problems not being able to help and work with others to improve their overall health and welfare.

Next, we will be breaking down the main reasons into smaller more detailed reasons. Remember, while too much of a reason causes too much stress to build psychic skills, a little bit of stress caused by one of these reasons can help you BUILD psychic skills.

So, as we cover these reasons, think to yourself….

If you are too stressed out: “How can I reduce or eliminate the reason for my noticeable, but not helpful, clairvoyant interactive/simulative experiences?”

If you want to build psychic skills: “How can I increase my need, just a little bit, to do these things on a regular basis?”

Don’t worry if you can’t think of solutions or ways to increase your need right away. We will be looking more at all of this later on in the chapter “How Do I Get There?”

For now, just make of note of which needs apply or may apply to your life currently by marking down the number next to the reason on a piece of paper.

You have a need to:

    1. Understand and apply information to help yourself or a deceased loved one in understanding and or adapting to the loss of a loved one or the loss of physical embodiment. For example, a lack of an ability to comfort yourself or the spirit of a loved one that has passed.
    2. Understand information to help yourself or a deceased loved one in coming to a decision about the loss of a loved one or the loss of physical embodiment. For example, deciding if a widow should move on or if a spirit should cross over into the afterlife.
    3. A very strong need to be loyal and committed to loved ones lost.
    4. To care for, be kind to, or remain devoted to loved ones lost.
    5. Be sensitive to the needs of loved ones lost.
    6. Be emotionally connected to loved ones lost.
    7. Be highly empathetic towards loved ones lost.

  1. Be highly aware of loved ones lost.
  2. Express your thoughts and opinions to loved ones lost.
  3. Contribute to the well-being and happiness of loved ones lost.


These needs can involve a loved one recently lost or a loved one lost some time ago. In the case of those lost long ago, your recent events may have placed your focus nostalgically on a deceased loved one.

For example, desperately needing the wisdom or advice of a lost parental figure during highly distressing times in your life.

These nostalgic needs can include, but are not limited to, a sudden and highly distressing decrease in your ability to, or increase in your need to:

  1. Put a great deal of effort into what you believe in.
  2. Avoid disagreements and conflicts.
  3. Have your own personal time and space.
  4. Work in your own time frame.
  5. Stick to your own values or are overwhelmed by those who do not share your values.
  6. Be very sensitive to and notice small changes in your environment.
  7. Be aware of the perceptions and of small changes in the people around you.
  8. Determine what belongs and what does not belong in just about any aspect of your life.
  9. Creatively express yourself through the arts such as through painting, drawing, music, and so forth.
  10. Appreciate the beauty of nature.
  11. Independently direct your own life where, for example, a change in your life forces you to become independent from the help of others.

This last need for advice and direction can result in you reaching out beyond the living for assistance, and beyond the known deceased as well. Spirits that are strangers to you may appear more AGGRESSIVE as they may not have your well-being in mind or maybe highly desperate to pass along information to their living loved ones.

However, these unknown spirits need you to help them in some form of communication and therefore are often open to withdrawing from aggressive reactions to receive your HELP.

Also, known spirits may appear aggressive in rare cases when a WARNING is trying to be shared with you by the spirit, but you may be now unable to understand what the spirit is trying to tell you. For example, you are struggling with anxiety in your life right now and it is distorting your ability to receive clear psychic information.Are these reasons causing clairvoyant interactive/simulative experiences that are helpful or unhelpful?

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