Personality Type 1 (Type Black)

full course
  1. Why Am I? (Type Black)
  2. Personality Type 1 (Type Black)
  3. Personality Type #2 (Type Black)
  4. Attention & Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  5. Your Needs & Clairvoyant Interaction/Simulation (Type Black)
  6. Events and Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  7. Personality Changes & Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  8. Your Environment & Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  9. Age & Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  10. Psychic Awareness (Type Black)
  11. Psychic Illusions (Type Black)
  12. Belief, Meaning, & Auto Labeling (Type Black)
  13. Self-fulfilling Prophecies & Ignoring When You’re Wrong (Type Black)
  14. Probability & Reason (Type Black)
  15. Don’t Be Fooled (Type Black)
  16. Seeing Faces & Hearing Your Name (Type Black)
  17. Precognition vs. Probability Shifting (Type Black)
  18. Accuracy, OBEs, & Evil Presence (Type Black)
  19. Weird Does Not Equal Psychic (Type Black)
  20. Confusing Negative & Positive Experiences (Type Black)
  21. Externalizing (Type Black)
  22. Ignoring Negative Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  23. Avoid Shortcuts (Type Black)
  24. Psychic Protections (Type Black)
  25. #1st List of Psychic Protections (Type Black)
  26. #2nd List of Psychic Protections (Type Black)
  27. #3rd List of Psychic Protections (Type Black)
  28. Psychic Illusions Mini-Quiz – Are You Being Fooled? (Type Black)
  29. Mini-Quiz: Prone to Psychic Experiences? Ready to Enhance? (Type Black)
  30. Mini-Quiz: Anxious? Depressed? (Type Black)


Let’s go a little deeper, shall we?

OK, first you should know that the first set of traits, which are relatable most towards ISFP’s, make up only 5-10% of the population. This may seem like there are very few people out there like you, but this actually means that using the U.S. population for an example, there are about 16,550,000 to 33,100,000 out of a population of 331.1 million people just like you. That’s a lot of people!!

Ok, let’s look at this set of personality traits:

These Type Blacks are usually peaceful people who are easygoing and often have a “live and let live” attitude towards life.

They choose to take on life at their own pace and usually live in the “NOW,” which means they spend less time thinking about and learning from the past or planning for the future than most types.

Although they are quiet, they are pleasant, considerate, caring, and usually very devoted to the people in their lives. They are rarely likely to debate or voice their opinions openly, but their values and beliefs are very important to them.

They are highly sensitive to their environment and surroundings, are very aware of the perceptions of the five senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste), more so than most types.

They are very sensitive to and easily notice small differences and fluctuations in their physical environment or in the people around them. They are very sensitive to balance, quick to physically react, and can easily zero in on what does and does not fit in or belong.

This excellent ability to feel the difference between what belongs and what does not applies to just about any part of their lives. They are highly aware of how their friends feel, prefer others to direct their own lives and plan things for them, tend to be emotionally well rounded, and highly emotionally sensitive and understanding towards others.

These Type Blacks are highly skilled with people, tools, entertainment, and are often born with the exceptional ability to work with subtle differences in color, tone, texture, aroma, and flavor.

They usually prefer to work long hours by themselves and can be impulsive at times as they usually do not stop to think about the future consequences of their actions. They often find themselves caught up in the chaos and drama of life because of this.

They usually have a strong appreciation for art and music, live their lives based on what they feel is “the right thing to do”, and usually rebel against any conflicts of interest and their goals.

They are quiet, reserved, and often a challenge to get to know. They hold back their ideas and opinions except for those they trust, respect, and love. They enjoy providing towards the well-being and happiness of others and usually put in a great deal of effort towards the people and causes they believe in, even to the point of exhaustion.

These Type Blacks usually possess a true appreciation for the beauty of nature, value people who take their time to get to know them, are very independent, and require a great deal of personal space.

They usually take the hands-on approach to their work and life in general and become easily bored with traditional teaching methods so congratulations on getting this far in the book! Keep going, you’re doing great!

They are emotionally warm people that prefer to interact in an emotional and friendly way and are usually uncomfortable basing decisions on logic alone because they are usually very empathic.

They often do not give themselves enough credit for things they do very well which can lead to low self-confidence, issues with identity, being a perfectionist, depression, and anxiety.

They also often judge themselves harshly for no good reason, and often take themselves and life too seriously.

They are usually found in careers like design, painting or sculpting, music, carpentry, gardening, teaching, social work, nursing or hospice care,  or the culinary arts.

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