Externalizing (Type Black)

full course
  1. Why Am I? (Type Black)
  2. Personality Type 1 (Type Black)
  3. Personality Type #2 (Type Black)
  4. Attention & Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  5. Your Needs & Clairvoyant Interaction/Simulation (Type Black)
  6. Events and Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  7. Personality Changes & Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  8. Your Environment & Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  9. Age & Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  10. Psychic Awareness (Type Black)
  11. Psychic Illusions (Type Black)
  12. Belief, Meaning, & Auto Labeling (Type Black)
  13. Self-fulfilling Prophecies & Ignoring When You’re Wrong (Type Black)
  14. Probability & Reason (Type Black)
  15. Don’t Be Fooled (Type Black)
  16. Seeing Faces & Hearing Your Name (Type Black)
  17. Precognition vs. Probability Shifting (Type Black)
  18. Accuracy, OBEs, & Evil Presence (Type Black)
  19. Weird Does Not Equal Psychic (Type Black)
  20. Confusing Negative & Positive Experiences (Type Black)
  21. Externalizing (Type Black)
  22. Ignoring Negative Psychic Experiences (Type Black)
  23. Avoid Shortcuts (Type Black)
  24. Psychic Protections (Type Black)
  25. #1st List of Psychic Protections (Type Black)
  26. #2nd List of Psychic Protections (Type Black)
  27. #3rd List of Psychic Protections (Type Black)
  28. Psychic Illusions Mini-Quiz – Are You Being Fooled? (Type Black)
  29. Mini-Quiz: Prone to Psychic Experiences? Ready to Enhance? (Type Black)
  30. Mini-Quiz: Anxious? Depressed? (Type Black)


Suggestion #20:

Avoid blaming other people or the universe for your negative psychic experiences.

When trying to understand and explain your negative and stressful psychic experiences, you will need to avoid adopting an explanation that involves other people, the universe, or God, causing your negative experiences. This is called externalizing because you are blaming your experiences on something or someone external to yourself.

“The universe keeps sending me bad luck, bad things keep happening. I don’t know why the universe thinks I deserve this bad luck, and I can’t stop it from doing this to me!”

However, psychic experiences are caused by YOU and YOUR NEEDS.

As we talked about before, the main needs that cause your experiences for clairvoyant simulation are a decreased ability, or suddenly increased need, to meaningfully communicate, organize thoughts, solve problems, attract helpful people and resources, etc. For auto-PK, it’s a need to protect, energize, or heal yourself or someone else physically.

Clairvoyant simulation and auto-PK experiences are NOT the result of someone else forcing things on you. While clairvoyant simulation does involve the universe playing a part in your experiences, the universe does not control you and is only there to help reduce your stress, not increase it.

However, if your needs shift from long-term needs to short-term needs, you and the universe may end up sacrificing a positive future for a positive TODAY.

addictionsThis is where stuff like sensation-seeking (a need to seek out stimulation because you feel depressed or emotionally numb), instant gratification (a need to experience relief or achievement now at the cost of a greater sense of relief or achievement later on), and other self-

defeating and addictive behaviors warp clairvoyant simulation experiences.

We’ll be looking more at correcting external views later on in the chapter “How Do I Stop?” For now, here is another example:

“New clients keep coming in every day, but I’m already over-worked, but I need the money, I’m so stressed out!”

Blaming something, or someone, else for your psychic experiences puts you in a position of feeling “VICTIMIZED” by your psychic experiences because you feel that you are not in a position to control the situation or stop the experiences.

However, understanding how and why you are the cause of your own experiences puts control back into your hands. If you keep blaming others for your negative psychic experiences, this can lead you into a perpetual cycle of never-ending negative psychic experiences.

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