
#2nd List of Psychic Protections (Type Black)

SECOND LIST OF PROTECTIONS The following are general protective factors that have more to do with your environment or surrounding conditions. You had a happy and healthy childhood. You were loved, had everything that you needed, and...

#1st List of Psychic Protections (Type Black)

FIRST LIST OF PROTECTIONS You can express your emotions in a healthy way both through speech and through your behavior. You are able to get involved in and participate well with activities involving other people. You are...

Psychic Protections (Type Black)

YOUR PROTECTIONS…. Protective factors are things that can prevent you from having noticeable psychic experiences BUT can also prevent you from having negative psychic experiences. These factors include conditions or qualities that you have and can apply...

Avoid Shortcuts (Type Black)

ILLUSIONS #22 & 23 – AVOID SHORTCUTS Suggestion #22: Avoid taking shortcuts and not following through when it comes to stopping negative psychic experiences. If there is more than one issue causing you to have negative psychic...

Externalizing (Type Black)

ILLUSION #20 – EXTERNALIZING Suggestion #20: Avoid blaming other people or the universe for your negative psychic experiences. When trying to understand and explain your negative and stressful psychic experiences, you will need to avoid adopting an...

Weird Does Not Equal Psychic (Type Black)

ILLUSIONS #16 & 17 Suggestion #16: Avoid always assuming that weird experiences must be “psychic” experiences. Weird experiences can have a number of other causes, including medical causes. Some symptoms of mental and physical conditions can seem...

Accuracy, OBEs, & Evil Presence (Type Black)

ILLUSIONS 13, 14, 15 Suggestion #13: Avoid assuming that your predictions are 100% accurate. When you see the future, you are seeing probabilities. As I said before, there are a number of different probabilities that can happen...

Precognition vs. Probability Shifting (Type Black)

#12 PRECOGNITION VS. SHIFTING Suggestion #12: Avoid confusing seeing the future with probability shifting or manifesting events. If you find yourself having strong negative feelings, dreams, or visions of a future event, and the event comes true,...