
Input or Output? (Type Black)

INPUT OR OUTPUT The next thing you should know about your experiences is whether they are input or output. Clairvoyant interaction experiences are all input because information is coming to you/through you. However, with clairvoyant simulation, you...

Adaptive or Decisive? (Type Black)

ADAPTIVE OR DECISIVE With clairvoyant interaction, adaptive experiences are when interaction with a spirit/entity happens in order to help you or a sitter understand or come to terms with the loss of a loved one. That need...

Adaptive or Directive? (Type Black)

ADAPTIVE OR DIRECTIVE The next thing you should know about your experiences is whether they are adaptive, directive, or decisive. When clairvoyant simulation helpful effects are adaptive, they are effects that: Help you understand or adjust to...

Intention #2 (Type Black)

INTENTION #2 When it comes to clairvoyant interaction however, a spontaneous experience refers to when a spirit or entries consciousness interacts with your mind/body without your conscious choice, decision, or intention. In this case, you have a...

Mini-Quiz: Anxious? Depressed? (Type Yellow)

MINI-QUIZ: ANXIOUS OR DEPRESSED? The following mini-quiz will test you to see if you are experiencing signs of anxiety or depression. The more you say YES, the more I suggest adding more protective factors and the less...

#3rd List of Psychic Protections (Type Yellow)

THIRD LIST OF PROTECTIONS The following are protective factors that relate specifically to experiencers of clairvoyant cognition. You have no problems learning, expanding your knowledge, understanding and apply things you have learned, or using things you learn...

#2nd List of Psychic Protections (Type Yellow)

SECOND LIST OF PROTECTIONS The following are general protective factors that have more to do with your environment or surrounding conditions. You had a happy and healthy childhood. You were loved, had everything that you needed, and...

#1st List of Psychic Protections (Type Yellow)

FIRST LIST OF PROTECTIONS You can express your emotions in a healthy way both through speech and through your behavior. You are able to get involved in and participate well with activities involving other people. You are...