Having Doubts: CS & CI (Type Black)

full course
  1. What Am I? (Type Black)
  2. Psychic Ability (Type Black)
  3. Dreams Impressions & Hallucinations (Type Black)
  4. Clairvoyant Interaction (Type Black)
  5. Trance Mediumship (Type Black)
  6. Channeling (Type Black)
  7. Physical Mediumship (Type Black)
  8. Clairvoyant Simulation (Type Black)
  9. Input CS (Type Black)
  10. Output – Probability Shifting (Type Black)
  11. Output- Historical Shifting (Type Black)
  12. Changing The Past (Type Black)
  13. Intention (Type Black)
  14. Intention #2 (Type Black)
  15. Adaptive or Directive? (Type Black)
  16. Adaptive or Decisive? (Type Black)
  17. Input or Output? (Type Black)
  18. Trance Mediumship or Channeling? (Type Black)
  19. Your Sources (Type Black)
  20. People, Places, Objects & Ideas (Type Black)
  21. People, Objects & Events (Type Black)
  22. Precognition & Probability Shifting (Type Black)
  23. Contemporaneous Input & Real-Time (Type Black)
  24. Postcognition & Historical Shifting (Type Black)
  25. Episodes (Type Black)
  26. Experience Modes (Type Black)
  27. Other Terms for CI and CS (Type Black)
  28. You Are Not Alone: CS & CI (Type Black)
  29. Magical Thinking & Psychic Confusion (Type Black)
  30. The Difference Between Types of ESP (Type Black)
  31. The Difference Between Types of ESP II (Type Black)
  32. Seriously? (Type Black)
  33. Having Doubts: CS & CI (Type Black)
  34. Psychokinesis (Type Black)
  35. Forms of Psychokinesis (Type Black)
  36. PK or CS Healer? (Type Black)
  37. Science Crash Course (Type Black)
  38. Umbrakinesis (Type Black)
  39. Umbra-PK Subtypes (Type Black)
  40. Umbrakinesis Part II (Type Black)
  41. Normal or Paranormal? (Type Black)
  42. Light or Thermal Healer? (Type Black)
  43. Umbra-PK & Physical Mediums (Type Black)
  44. Did You Know You Are Not Alone? (Type Black)
  45. Having Doubts? (Type Black)
  46. One Last Question (Type Black)



Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Was the information or effect helpful?
  • Did you need that helpful information around the time you received the helpful information?
  • Or, did you need that helpful effect around the time you experienced the helpful effect?
  • Was the helpful information you received something you did not already know or could not seem figure out?
  • Or, was the helpful effect something you may not have been able to do on your own?
  • Was the helpful information you received correct?

If you answered yes to these questions, then for now, it’s fairly safe to say it’s NOT just your imagination. However, we will talk quite a bit more on this later on, so don’t worry if you still have doubts.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Was the information and/or experience helpful?
  • Did you need that helpful information around the time you received the helpful information?
  • Or, did you need that helpful experience around the time you had the helpful experience?
  • Was the helpful information you received something you did not already know or could not seem to figure out?
  • Or, did the helpful experience result in some action that you may not have been able to do on your own?
  • Was the helpful information you received correct?

If you answered yes to these questions, then, for now, it’s fairly safe to say it’s NOT just your imagination. However, we will talk quite a bit more on this later on, so don’t worry if you still have doubts.

“What if people have told me “I’m just crazy,” or what if I think I might be crazy?”

Then answer the following questions:

  • Do you ever feel your thoughts are being broadcasted or transmitted, so that even strangers know exactly what you are thinking?
  • Do you ever feel that someone or something is forcefully inserting thoughts into your mind that you know are not your own?
  • Do you ever clearly and loudly hear someone in your own mind that is constantly saying mean, threatening, or disgusting things to you?
  • Do you ever feel like your thoughts are being deleted and replaced by the thoughts of someone or something else?
  • Do you ever feel that an entity or spirit is forcing you to do bad things by hypnotizing you?
  • Do you ever feel as if your thoughts were being stolen by an evil spirit or entity, so that your mind is a complete blank?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, and WERE NOT EXAGGERATING, then something is very, very wrong. These questions are used to screen for very severe mental illness. If you answered yes to these questions, then you may need to see a doctor right away >>

Now try answering these questions:

  • Do you ever feel like you are looking at the world through a fog so that people or objects appear far away or unclear?diss
  • Do you ever feel like people, objects, and the world around you are not real?
  • Do you often find yourself unsure whether things you remember happening really did happen or whether you just dreamed them?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then you may be having some issues with something called dissociation. If you were exaggerating your answers then you should be just fine, but signs of dissociation can mean more serious things are going on and that you need help. You may not be crazy, but you also should not be feeling this way and should make an appointment with your doctor.

Now try this question:

  • Do you ever have the feeling that your mind or soul is traveling outside of your physical body, AND on occasion you shake violently and uncontrollably?

If you answered YES to this question, then you may have a seizure disorder. This is a very serious medical condition and you should make an appointment with your doctor right away.

Last set of questions:

  • Every once and a while, do you have really great ideas or solve very hard problems, but are not sure how you were able to come to these ideas or solutions?
  • Do you ever feel that your thoughts or emotion sare somewhat influencing events or the people you know to help you?
  • Do you feel that you somehow have the ability to assist spirits of the deceased in crossing over into the afterlife?
  • Have you ever allowed a spirit or ghost to act through you and suddenly received a physical skill that the spirit claimed to have when they were still alive, and of which you lost when the communication was ended (example: the ability to create beautiful art)?
  • Have you ever allowed a spirit or ghost to speak through you and accurately spoke with another vocabulary or in another language not known to you at the time?
  • Do you occasionally gain new information about a person or event through the practice of automatic writing or the Ouija (spirit) Board that turn out to be true?

If you answered YES to this set of questions, and NO to all the questions before these,

you’re probably psychic and NOT crazy!

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