What Am I? (Type Red)

full course
  1. What Am I? (Type Red)
  2. Psychic “Ability” (Type Red)
  3. Psi, ESP, & Clairvoyance (Type Red)
  4. Dreams, Impressions, & Hallucinations (Type Red)
  5. Telepathic Interaction (Type Red)


Those who score high in Type Red are possible experiencers of Telepathic Interaction, where Telepathic Interaction is a type of Telepathy, Telepathy is a type of Extrasensory Perception (ESP), and Extrasensory Perception is a type of Psi. Those who score high in Type Red may also be possible experiencers of Pyrokinesis, where Pyrokinesis is a type of Psychokinesis (PK), and Psychokinesis is a type of Psi.

Telepathic Interaction Pyrokinesis

Psychic experiences involve information that is naturally very hard to detect or understand by the conscious mind and are often very hard to describe. However, these experiences can become more noticeable when:

  • A person is in distress, ill, injured, or in need of help because they are having negative/bad psychic experiences, which are called compensatory psychic experiences,
  • A person has built and continues to build psychic skills (also known as experiential skills) over time through positive/good psychic experiences, which are called natural psychic experiences.

To make negative psychic experiences happen more often in order to “control” the experiences, and to increase the strength of these experiences, a person will also increase their distress. Such an unwise direction will lead the person to suffer from extreme distress and so many mental and emotional problems and confusion that the person will only be left with harmful signs of mental illness and very confusing psychic experiences.

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