Providing Tuition-Free Online Academic Studies in Scientific Parapsychology.

Admissions & Records


:: Enroll in a Certification Program or Course

UAS Introductory Courses and Certification Programs are open to the public regardless of age, location, and prior education. Therefore, prospective students need not submit an admissions application or take any type of admissions assessment (e.g. GRE, IELTS, TOEFL). Students can enroll by simply selecting a course/program, creating an account, and logging-in to their course/program. There are no mandatory prerequisites for enrollment of any kind. However, we do suggest that all students read through their desired Certification Program or Introductory Course information prior to enrollment to decide if they up to the challenge of the topics and subjects involved in that area of study. In addition, courses and programs offered by UAS are in English only. Because of this, we strongly recommend enrollments only for students comfortable speaking and reading English. Cetificate fees are accepted via PayPal only at this time.

To Enroll:

  • Please click the link below,
  • Select the program or course you wish to enroll in,
  • Create an account through our E-Learning Platform,
  • Done!

Once you have accomplished this, you will be able to login to your program or course and have access to your program or course, and associated study materials, lessons, and exams. Associated textbooks can be purchased through our Bookstore.

PASSWORDS: We require complex and case sensitive passwords to protect the information of our students. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long, have at least 1 digit, 1 lower case letter, 1 upper case letter, and must have at least 1 non-alphanumeric character (symbol).

Create an Account & Enroll Now »

:: Enroll in a Degree Program – Application

UAS Degree Programs require a valid bachelor’s degree (or Masters Degree for the Advanced Cert. and Masters-Second Degree Prorgam) or higher from a college or university accredited by an organization recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or that is accredited by the Commonwealth of Australia Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA). Other institutions that have government oversight may qualify.

To begin the application process, please click the link below.

:: Request a Transcript

For all students that are awarded a diploma or certificate, the record of this award is documented unremittingly for 50 years from the graduation date in our physical records and offline database. However, transcripts are only available to students who (1) were awarded a diploma or certificate and also requested transcripts upon graduation, or (2) were awarded a diploma or certificate and are still enrolled in that program (unenrollment deletes a student’s gradebook and enrollment information in that particular program). Again, transcripts are not provided upon graduation, but can be requested upon graduation of a program under certain circumstances. Transcripts can be requested for a small fee here:

Transcripts include name of institution, officials signature, name of the student, the students email address and city entered upon enrollment, title of program/course, total hours of instruction, date of graduation, and grade record of each course in a program.