
Probability & Reason (Type Yellow)

#7 PROBABILISTIC REASONING Suggestion#7: If you have a dream that predicted something in the future and it came true avoid automatically labeling it as “psychic.” You need to take into account “chance,” guessing, and you need to...

Belief, Meaning, & Auto Labeling (Type Yellow)

ILLUSIONS #1, 2, 3 Suggestion #1: Be a believer, but also be a skeptic. Keep the balance and you’re more likely to see clearly. Question yourself. Question your logic. Back up your conclusions and hypotheses with facts,...

Psychic Illusions (Type Yellow)

YOUR ILLUSIONS Perpetuating factors are ways of thinking and acting, or not thinking and acting, that cause negative or unwanted psychic experiences to keep happening again and again with no end in sight. These illusions or misconceptions...

Your Awareness (Type Yellow)

YOUR AWARENESS The awareness of, or the ability to notice, psychic experiences can come from many changes or new feelings in your life. We already talked about how stress can make your psychic experiences more noticeable, but...

Your Needs (Type Yellow)

YOUR NEEDS – CLAIRVOYANT COGNITION Clairvoyant cognition tends to become noticeable when your ability to have meaningful communication and relationships with other people falls short or fails. This is especially true when you experience a sudden increase...

Your Directed Attention (Type Yellow)

YOUR DIRECTED ATTENTION Yes, but also because of what you do on an hourly, daily, and weekly basis. The more you do or do to experience, the following, the more you are going to lean towards Type...

Personality Type #2 (Type Yellow)

PERSONALITY TYPE #2   What about the second set of traits? The second set of traits, which are relatable most towards ENTJ’s, also only make up 2-5% of the population. So again, that’s a lot of people!!...

Intention (Type Black)

INTENTION However, the most common natural expression of clairvoyant simulation is survival through intention and healing through intention. And with mediumship, the most common expression is connecting and helping through intention. Whether it’s helping the living to...

Changing The Past (Type Black)

CHANGING THE PAST For now, think of it this way. Say you create a file on your computer. That file exists in the present but was created in the past. When you created the file there were...