
Science Crash Course (Type Black)

SCIENCE CRASH COURSE To best understand what psychokinesis and is not, first, you need to know the difference between objects, systems, motion, states of matter, and forms of energy and forces. While most of you may already...

PK or CS Healer? (Type Black)

PK OR CS HEALER? Telling the difference between probability shifting and PK can be difficult, but we will get more and more into detail about this throughout this book. For now, I’ll say that it seems like...

Forms of Psychokinesis (Type Black)

FORMS OF PK PK experiences seem to be on the decline especially in developed countries. This may be due to the belief that PK, just like ESP, is need-based and survival-based, and in developed countries, people don’t...

Psychokinesis (Type Black)

PSYCHOKINESIS Psychokinesis (PK) is the direct effect of the mind on the physical world that can’t be explained by the radiation of any known physical energy. PK includes any direct mind-over-matter effect or mental effect on a...

Having Doubts: CS & CI (Type Black)

HAVING DOUBTS? Ask yourself the following questions: Was the information or effect helpful? Did you need that helpful information around the time you received the helpful information? Or, did you need that helpful effect around the time...

Seriously? (Type Black)

SERIOUSLY!!!!???? While some may find these forms of mediumship fascinating, those who experience it, especially to those not in control of it or that do not understand what is happening, these experiences can be quite terrifying. However,...

The Difference Between Types of ESP II (Type Black)

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CI & OTHER ESP In Clairvoyant Cognition, specifically Mental Mediumship, the information that the medium receives does not involve the spirit communicating from within the medium or taking over the physical body of the medium....

The Difference Between Types of ESP (Type Black)

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CS & OTHER ESP In Clairvoyant Cognition, the experiencer sees everything that is happening. From this way of seeing things, the experiencer’s viewpoint is not through the eyes of someone in the situation. Rather, the...

Magical Thinking & Psychic Confusion (Type Black)

MAGICAL-THINKING & CONFUSION Today, these results are on the increase especially among ages 25-34 and 16-24. One distinguished researcher suggested this may be due to what he calls the: This hints that the increase in paranormal experience...

You Are Not Alone: CS & CI (Type Black)

DID YOU KNOW YOU ARE NOT ALONE? The chart above shows the percentage of people in different countries that reported having clairvoyant experiences in a survey asking 18,607 people in 1991. The chart below shows the percentage...