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Experiential Phase of Psi

Experiential Phase of Psi modeling attempts to explain the psychological aspects of how and when human beings are able to utilize psi. The means by which psi mediates information within an experient remains unexplained in its entirety. However, several models have been presented that look very promising including models involving quantum mechanical approaches to cognition, and memory models. Such models of psi manifestation attempt to explain how extrasensory information enters the central nervous system or information processing center, and how the system deals with that information. [1]

Biological Non-locality and Neuro-Quantum Interactions

In experiments involving two human subjects’ brains, EEG results show that photic stimulated and non-stimulated participants undergo co-variations or state correlations. In tissue-based experiments, the separated, non-stimulated tissue displays correlated electrical signals with the stimulated tissue. While the science community is uncertain how Nature does this, evidence suggests that Nature is doing this on a biological level. One direction suggested to understand better how Nature does this, is through subjecting the neuron to selected empirical studies focusing on the action potential mechanism, as it is beginning to appear that single neurons may be able to enlighten us on the subject of biological non-locality each time they fire. Once we are able to fully understand, predetermine the results arising from, biological non-locality then specific signaling processes can be utilized to initiate and control neuronal stimulations opening the door for future bio-quantum non-local communication technologies involving quantum computation. Many have suggested that consciousness may be the direct result of neuro-quantum interactions [a coupling between the classical and quantum scales]. Because evidence supports this assumption, two imperative possibilities must be considered. These possibilities include a brain association with wave propagation through space, and that the aggregate of particles that composes the brain exhibits a macroscopic wave function operating within a collective mode for the propagation of the matter field. [1]

Pseudo-Sensory Models

Pseudo-sensory models propose that the perceptual processing of psi stimuli is equivalent to sensory stimuli at a basic level of analysis such as the ability to discriminate a figure from its background. Such pseudo-sensory processing is assumed reliant on the strength of the stimuli. Such models approach psi with the view of the brain as an information processing system, address the stages of information processing, and addresses whether the nature of psi (e.g. ESP) performance characteristically conforms to the stages of processing. However, evidence is contrary to pseudo-sensory models, such as how the “quality” of an ESP target (e.g. size, form, contrast, etc.) has no systematic effects of performance void of effects explainable in terms of psychological reactions, unlike regular sensory stimuli. It should be noted here that sensory processing is only one modality of human information processing. The ideational mode, in which the information is processed by the brain, is assumed obtainable via from within the self, rather than the external environment. Relative models address the role of the long-term memory in processing extrasensory information. Such concepts are encapsulated in memory models, which show not only promise in explaining the manifestation of extrasensory perception, but also may someday explain the manifestation of psychokinesis. [1]

Memory Models

A large quantity of ESP based data has become comprehensible due to memory models in which assume that the systemic source of extrasensory information is somehow localized in the long-term memory. These models correlate with both intentional and spontaneous ESP experiences. Studies pertaining to memory modeling have suggested that psi processes in regards to ESP are, or in regards to PK may be, dependent upon memorial processes as a means of expression. In other words, it appears that Nature and or other people can communicate with people via a person’s own experiential data. Such data includes images and language (e.g. vocabulary) from the recipients own long-term memory; rendering individuals with a great deal of life experience more likely to coherently decipher received information than those with little life experience. Memory-based models suggest that during ESP information transfer, the recipient is not receiving a large amount of information, which would be the case if receiving imagery, but rather very little information in which is sufficient enough to activate the appropriate systems in order to elaborate the “message” into consciousness. Even though psi phenomena are assumed a result of the unconscious state, they are considered in correlation to what an individual does, rather than what happens to the individual. [1]

Paranormal Cognition – A Normal Cognitive Process

The distinction between the two-parts of receptive psi processes has been articulated to separate psi process from psi production (i.e. termed paranormal cognition). Conversely, in regards to expressive psi processes (i.e. information traveling through the individual and out into the environment), psi process and production is termed paranormal interaction. The paranormal cognitive process has been suggested to be the result of normal cognitive processes, rather than of a paranormal cognitive process, as the product of the paranormal cognitive process is always the product of cognitive and other types of processes in which are we do not consider paranormal. Such “paranormally” acquired information is assumed to be acquired via mediating stages such as dreams, hallucinations (e.g. mental images). These stages are also known as the mediation and the experiential phases of psi. Such stages, as aforementioned, involve normal cognitive and emotional processes, and many researchers have developed hypothesis in or to identify fundamental components of the process. Therefore, in regards to the two-part model of psi, half of the challenge in discovering how psi mediates involves comprehending its pathway via the normal cognitive operations of the brain and perhaps other various systems of living organisms. [1]


  1. Kelly, Dr. Theresa M.(2011) A Quantum Approach Book Series
    Charleston, South Carolina USA.

Further Reading

  1. Kelly, Dr. Theresa M.(2011) A Quantum Approach Book Series
    Charleston, South Carolina USA.

External links

  • Psychical Resource Center – The Resource Center includes many forms of informational and educational resources along with community and support resources.
  • Introduction to Parapsychology Course Experiential Phase of Psi Quantum Mechanical & Cognitive Approaches Course from the University of Alternative Studies.