Astral Projection Courses
Near-Death & Out-of-Body Experiences:
- The Wandering Mind: Out of Body and Near Death Experiences - In this course students will be given an in-depth look at the history, features, research, and implication of two related experiences, the out-of-body Experience (OBE) and the near-death experience (NDE). This course will examine the phenomena from the perspective of the experiencers, from the point of view of researchers, and from the point of view of such theorists as Dr. Susan Blackmore, Dr. Olaf Blanke, Dr. Harvey Irwin, Dr. John Palmer, Dr. Bruce Greyson, Dr. Pim van Lommel, and many more. Resources will include specific case studies, website and video references, and readings from the scientific and popular literature. This course is designed for the serious student, but the information will be accessible to anyone with an interest in the phenomena. Besides providing an interesting discussion of OBEs and NDEs, this course will also provide a good grounding for those who wish to contribute to the scientific side of parapsychology. Rhine Education Center / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / $$

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