Aerokinesis is the psychical influence of flow in regards to elemental gases such as oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen. It includes the influence of flow in regards to gas mixtures in which each element of gas retains its own chemical properties and makeup.
For instance, air is a homogeneous mixture of the gaseous substances nitrogen, oxygen, and smaller amounts of other substances. Generally speaking, wind is caused by differences of pressure. When a difference in pressure exists, the air is accelerated from higher to lower pressure.
Because of this, in regards to indoor exercises, performance is optimal in rooms with little to no airflow as this increases air pressure. For this type of exercise, the experient of aerokinesis should be encouraged to setup for the exercise in a high-pressure room facing the direction of a doorway leading towards a low-pressure room (airflow).
Reports suggest that this setup alleviates additional difficulties with opposing pressure. In any flow-based exercise, it is always easiest to influence in the already designated direction of airflow.
The experient of aerokinesis will also be required to place a rectangular surface of low viscosity, typically a glass table, faced in the direction of the doorway leading to the low-pressure room. The experient of aerokinesis will also require a very light, spherical object, such as a ping-pong ball. The experient of aerokinesis should initially be encouraged to set the ball into motion by any means possible.
Over time, the experient of aerokinesis can begin to work on precision by directing the ball in a forward-left direction, forward-right direction, or initiate lift by directing wind towards the ball followed by underneath the ball. Experients of aerokinesis can use various forms of measurement from a ruler to measure distance, to a radar gun app to measure speed.