Offering FREE Online Parapsychology Education for the EXCEPTIONAL

Free Online Parapsychology Courses

Free Online Psychic Courses

  • FREE Psychic Courses | Development & Psychic Crisis Courses » Free educational, interactive, science-based classes are now being offered by the CEHE for age 14+ focusing on learning how to: (1) Classify and identify different types of psychic experiences, (2) Identify the causes and effects of psychic experiences, (3) Build natural psychic skills, (4) Enhance experiences to improve quality of life for yourself and others, (5) Stop negative psychic experiences, and (6) Implement psychic experiences into your daily life and career. Also, CEHE offers expert help and guidance. Classes for Adults & Teens. CENTER FOR EXCEPTIONAL HUMAN EXPERIENCES / Distance Learning / Online Courses / Adult & Teen Education / FREE

Free Online Parapsychology Courses

  • Introduction to Parapsychology: Experiential Phase of Psi – Quantum Mechanical & Cognitive Approaches –  This course addresses the psychological aspects of how and when human beings are able to utilize psi through promising models including models involving quantum mechanical approaches to cognition, and memory models. The course addresses the biological utilization of non-local communication, the reverse direction problem, the binding problem, the human brain and neuro-quantum interactions, brain stimulation via circumcerebral magnetic fields, and features resulting in cognitive effects related to content sensitivity, association, the human lexicon, and psychological function in general, etc. University of Alternative Studies / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / FREE
  • Introduction to Paraphysics: Psi Mediation – Classical & Quantum Modeling – This course addresses both classical and quantum mechanical modeling approaches to psi phenomena including those pertaining to the role of psi phenomena such as the psi-mediated instrumental response (PMIR) and relative need-serving qualities of psi, psychokinesis as a primary psi process, psi as a product of evolution via Darwinian theory, etc. University of Alternative Studies / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / FREE
  • Introduction to Extrasensory Perception: A Quantum Mechanical Approach to ESP Phenomenology – This course addresses the psychical influence of information via an experients influence over the biological basis of consciousness and the mental process by which we perceive, act, learn, and remember (Telepathy), the influence of our objective environment (Clairvoyance), the stages of sensory processing i.e. sensation and perception, sensory systems, and sensory modalities, and the four stages of extrasensory perception including the sensory anticipation of the event, subliminal registration of the sensation, experience of a collection of sensations that the brain attempts to construe, and the attributed understanding of the experience., etc. University of Alternative Studies / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / FREE

Free Online Parapsychology Degree Programs

  • Clinical Parapsychology: This 17 course Master’s of Science Second-Degree Program in cutting-edge education prepares the student for clinical work and research concerning extrasensory experiences and phenomena. Prior formal training and knowledge and current licensing in one or more of the following fields are strongly recommended for students considering this program: counseling, psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, social work, and/or medicine. This program provides education in current research design and methodologies in the area of parapsychology. It prepares students that already possess formal training in assessment and selection, statistics for field research, research methods in applied settings, evaluation and research methodology, etc. University of Alternative Studies / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / Tuition-Free

Paid Online Parapsychology Courses

  • Principles of Parapsychology Course – This course is a survey of the field of parapsychology, including spontaneous psychic experiences, studies of mediums and psychics, experimental studies, and the relationship of psychic phenomena to religious experience. It approaches psychic phenomena from the perspective of integrating them with other aspects of human consciousness. The course combines intellectual and experiential approaches. The course compares the methods used to study and experience various types of psychic phenomena, and explores the implications of these phenomena for other fields of human endeavor. Atlantic University / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / $$$
  • Certificate Course in Parapsychology & Psychic Studies – Have you ever wondered whether there was anything to ESP? What about psychokinesis, survival after death (near-death experiences, haunting, etc.)? Recent polls have found that 50% of the general population believes in at least some aspects of psi – sometimes referred to as the “paranormal.” This course will provide you with a critical overview of the issues and facts surrounding psychic phenomena, together with simple experiments, which will give you the background to make up your own mind. American Institute of Parapsychology / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / $$$
  • Introduction to Parapsychology Course – This short course is taught entirely online and is open to anyone regardless of geographical location. It is a non-accredited course, meaning that there is no formal assessment or qualification gained, though regular participation is expected for award of the certificate. The programme consists of a ‘familiarisation’ week, followed by ten weekly modules covering key topics in parapsychology. The course aims to provide a balanced approach and stimulate critical thinking on each topic. University of Edinburgh / Distance Learning / Online Course / Higher Education / $$$
  • Certificate in Parapsychological Studies – This course is an overview to the field of Parapsychology, and the main areas of research and investigation: ESP, PsychoKinesis (mind over matter), and Survival of Bodily Death. Included will be a general discussion of where the field came from, where the major centers of research are today, and where the field might be headed. HCH / Distance Learning / Online & Tele Course / Higher Education / CE Credit / $$$$
  • Saybrook Graduate SchoolOffers non?residential, accredited Masters and PhD programs allowing students to design their own degree in psychology with an emphasis on parapsychology. Saybrook University / Distance Learning / Online Program / Higher Education / $$$$$

FREE Quantum Cognition Courses

  • Applications of Quantum Mechanics in Psychology, Neurologic, and Psychiatric Sciences – This course is FREE and ideal for graduate students and scholars in psychology, medicine, and psychiatry. The aim of the course is to provide specialization on some advances that have been reached in the past few years in the field of quantum cognition. The course is divided in three semesters. There are no exams or certifications associated with this course. Sign-up is not required. QP / Distance Learning / Online Course / FREE