Psychical Profiling consists of analyzing the various mental and physical characteristics possessed by experients of specific psychical phenomena. This profiling method is utilized to assess experients of psychical phenomena and propose direction in the way of psychical and psychophysiological wellbeing and enhancement via their assessment results. [1]
Psychical-Psychological Profiling
Psychological profiling consists of analyzing data collected from experients of specific psychical phenomena to reveal correlations in personality and in over all psychological health [e.g. psychological history of the experient and the experients immediate family, and present and future concerns]. In parapsychology, typical psychological profiling methods are limited to assessments such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator [MBTI], and the Defense Mechanism Test [DMT]. Research involving these tests reveals that extroversive personality traits appear more psychically conducive than introversive traits, and that neuroticism negatively correlates with psychical performance. Basically that [a] Relaxation is psi-conducive, and [b] Positive, care-free moods are more psi-conducive than drifting and anxious moods.
However, my personality profiling research targets more specific traits and interests [e.g. mentation, creativity, feelings, values, disposition, and non-psi associated beliefs]. This perspective has lead me to find that mild introversive traits can improve performance [e.g. in experients of postcognition and umbrakinesis], but only when tested in an environment the experient considers “comfortable” and “safe,” and only when one experimenter is involved. I have also found that if the mild introversive nature of the experient increases from this point, their performance quality equally decreases. This perspective has also lead me to correlations between specific psychical phenomena and psychological health conditions. Both personality traits and psychological conditions have been placed into 8 categories along with associated psychical phenomena. In other words, an experient can be assessed based on his/her personality traits and the results will pinpoint what psychical phenomena and psychological conditions the experient may be prone to. [1]
Targeting Psychological Health for Psychical Enhancement
Experients in which are more likely than the average individual to experience such feelings as anxiety, anger, guilt, and depressed mood, typically score at chance or below-chance during psychical testing regardless of the psychical potential. Because they characteristically respond poorly to environmental stressors, are easily threatened, and fixate on, and describe, minor frustrations as being hopelessly difficult, they are less likely to score well because these characteristics are not psychically conducive. However, if an experient with high levels of anxiety or marked reliance on defense mechanisms scored at chance, and later address and work through their anxieties [e.g. through behavioral therapy] the experient may then score at above-chance during psychical testing. This has proven true in my research; that individuals with acute or chronic mental illness report and exhibit increases in psychical performance quality after they have been successfully treated for the condition. [1]
Decreased or Ceased Psychical Phenomena Due to Associated Personality Deviation
My form of psychical profiling consists of analyzing the various characteristics possessed by experients of specific psychical phenomena. These characteristics have been organized into 8 profiles. Therefore, each profile consists of an array of characteristics and attributes invariably exhibited by select types of experients. My research has shown that experients in which match their profiles 100% have high-quality performance values. My research also shows that a deviation from their profile reduces performance quality in phenomena associated with that profile. This common deviation appears to be one several reasons for experient reports involving a “lost gift.” It appears that if an experient of one profile deviates entirely to another profile, the phenomena that are not common in both profiles will be lost unless the experient again conforms to the profile associated with those phenomena. [1]
Increased Reactivity to Psychical Stimuli Due to Mental Illness
A wide array of acute and chronic mental illnesses can result In the non-functionality of psychical phenomena. Overwhelming psychical phenomena exists in both extrasensory perception-based phenomena and psychokinetic-based phenomena and effects are typically described as bothersome, concerning, alarming, or downright terrifying. Psychological effects vary per profile, but allow an experient a generalized list of what to be on the lookout for. There are many cross-associated illnesses (apparent in more than one profile) such as depression and anxiety. Whether the psychological condition is the result of the psychical instability, or the psychical instability is the result of the psychological condition is unclear, but treating the psychological condition appears to treat the psychical instability every time. While it may seem as simple as treating the condition to regain psychical stability, it is never that simple, because the condition and the instability perpetuate each other leaving the experient with little hope in improving their mental and psychical well-being. At such a point the experient may adjust their lives accordingly to the condition and instability [e.g. become reclusive, work from home]. Even though such changes may appear to be necessary, the experient will soon find that their choices have exacerbated both the condition and psychical instability. Ideally, experients should address the condition and instability as soon as they emerge. This typically involves a psychotherapy based approach, which aims to treat the condition through techniques designed to reinforce desired behaviors and eliminate undesired behaviors. This type of psychotherapy is known as Behavior Therapy. [1]
Correlations Between Myers-Briggs Types and Psychical Types
After years of collecting data, which later enabled me to structure the personality profiles, I was still unable to correlate them with Myers-Briggs types. Fortunately after several more years of collecting data and careful analysis of the universals and differences of the personalities, I was able to achieve this. In other words, when an individual takes my psychical assessment, not only do they find out in what areas there psychical potential lies, and what possible psychological and physiological conditions they may be prone to, but assessment results also reveal their Myers-Briggs type, or vise versa. As similar to Myers-Briggs personality types, psychical personality types are not “pure” types. This is to say that many lean towards two to three different types more often then they exactly fit one particular type. Because an experient leans towards one or more types rather than others types, the experient will have a higher chance of enhancing and growing a particular form of phenomena associated with their type(s) more so than others. While adjusting ones personality can be advantageous, type preferences themselves are the connection between the conscious and unconscious, leaving some preferences beyond conscious management. In addition, experients, like all human beings, are born with an innate predisposition to type, perhaps at the quantum level, and major deviations are unlikely, except in the case of severe traumas or lifestyle alterations. [1]
Psychical-Physiological Profiling
There have been several studies in regards to correlations between psychical phenomena and the presence of physiological abnormalities during psychical performance. This includes abnormalities found in temporal lobe functions and high amounts of densities of alpha wave activity [8-13 Hz] have been documented, which are associated with a relaxed, passive state of mind. In single-subject designed experiments, high quality performance values have been found correlated to increased power in the delta [1-3 Hz] and theta [4-7 Hz] EEG bands, suggesting a facilitatory effect of low cortical arousal. However, in multi-subject designed experiments, high quality performance values have been found correlated to alpha and beta activity [14-30 Hz], and low quality performance values correlated to delta and theta waves. These results may suggest that certain forms of psychical phenomena utilize different types of brain waves during performance, as they do appear to utilize different regions of the brain per form of performance. Associated studies in the field of cardiology have suggested that alpha rhythms in the brain have correlations with the cardiac cycle during a psychophysical mode termed physiological coherence. My research has shown that an intentional increase in heart rate prior to performance produces higher performance values then in subjects who remained idle prior to performance. This infers that if alpha wave activity is psi-conducive, then experients that can achieve physiological coherence have a practical and functional activity by which they can increase the alpha wave activity in their brain prior to performance as a means to improve performance. [1]
Correlations Between Psychical Phenomena and Presence of Physiological Illness
While most types of psychical-physiological studies focus on performance variables in regards to physiological effects, my studies have lead me more in the direction of physiological effects reported by experients of specific psychical phenomena. These include effects that exist pre-, during, and post performance. This includes physiological symptoms and conditions that appear to be correlated to psychical instability. In other words, experients in which report psychical instability typically report one or several types of physiological conditions. These physiological effects have been associated with and placed into 8 psychical profiling categories. Physiological effects very per profile, and there are some cross-associated conditions. Whether the condition is caused by the psychical instability, or the instability is caused by the condition is uncertain, but the treatment of the condition appears to resolve the instability. [1]
Psychical-Cognitive Profiling
Intelligence is loosely defined as a persons capacity to acquire knowledge [i.e. learn and understand], apply knowledge [solve problems], and engage in abstract reasoning, all of which appear to be requisites for optimal psychical performance involving conscious intent. This is not to suggest however that a above average IQ is a requirement for psychical experiences, but rather that it does appear to be psi-conducive. Many studies have correlated psychical performance with scores on standard intelligence tests. While these studies have not yielded significant data ( in part because IQ tests may not address all cognitive abilities required for psychical performance), they generally indicate positive correlations with psychical performance values and intelligence quotient [IQ]. However, while these studies do include experients with learning disorder such as Attention Deficit Disorder and ADHD, they do not include experients with learning disabilities. My personal research has yielded the same indication. My research has also shown that experients in which report spontaneous [subconscious] phenomena typically have an above average IQ [115-129], while experients who report habitual conscious control over phenomena typically have an above average to highly above average IQ [130-185]. [1]
It appears that as IQ increases so to does the experients ability to consciously control psychical phenomena. Based on the age groups of subjects, younger [16-22 years of age] PK experients scored higher in IQ testing than other age groups, while slightly older [22-35 years of age] experients of ESP scored higher in testing than other age groups. When analyzing results based on IQ and learning difficulty, experients of ESP typically report learning difficulties during childhood, while experients of PK typically do not. Experients of ESP in which score higher in later years have reported that, over time they implemented methods and techniques to learn more efficiently, whereby increasing IQ scores. In regards to IQ testing, contextually speaking, experients of PK and ESP take the same IQ test (tests are not somehow tailored to psychical experiences). However, the experient is predetermined either more PK or ESP inclined based on reports of past experiences, and tailored testing per the type of phenomena they report (e.g. Telepathy and Zener Cards). [1]
Colorization enhancement is a derivative of a collection of ancient and modern disciplines designed to explain the correlation between living beings and their immediate environment. It is a practice that can improve many aspects of an experients life including freeing energy that is otherwise wasted, improving focus, reducing stress, restoring vitality and confidence, improving health (when in conjunction with a proper diet, meditation, exercise regimen, and lifestyle), and improve psychical performance. [1]
Improving Psychical Performance via Influencing Environmental Effects
To understand psychical enhancement, one needs to recognize that our immediate environment plays a fundamental role in the maintenance of our health and psychical experiences. The goal of colorization enhancement is to influence the effect our environment has on our attitudes, moods, health, and psychical potential. To achieve this goal, one has to recognize that attitude and intention are more comparable to directions of propagation (travel) than static states of the mind-body. When an experient begins their day within a psychically conducive and enhancing environment, they will discover it is easier to maintain a psychical conducive mindset. This naturally amplified mindset will allow the experient to increase performance values and performance quality in less time, and with less effort. Although this practice functions via strictly defined principles, there is clearance for self-expression and creativity. In situations when principles appear ambiguous, or where numerous solutions present themselves, some of the best solutions have been found through intuition alone. Colorization enhancement seeks to re-establish the connection of the experient to the natural flow of life by implementing into an experients environment more of the natural energies human beings today lack do to the artificiality of their environments. [1]
The Complexities of Colorization
Colorization enhancement can be complex and difficult to understand because of its variety of systems. These can include aesthetic, psychological, physiological, associative, and symbolic systems. The systems of association, aesthetics, and symbolism, like language, vary culture to culture, while other systems appear to be cross-cultural (defined effects despite an experients culture). Colorization enhancement can be a tedious qualitative practice, requiring alternation and re-alteration of environmental elements every time the environment (or the experient) changes. Because color exerts its influence upon an experient through its innate qualities, so to should the experient exert their influence upon the colors within their environment. This may present a false sense of control, and while to a degree some control can be had on the classical scale, the quantum scale allows for a certain degree of freedom that will some days be a benefit and other days act as interference in regards to the experients goals of enhancement. In other words, by no means does “enhancement” or “control” signify any relation to “predictability.” [1]
The Psychological System and Colorization
Colorization enhancement involves light and color, and pigment and color. When the colored light reaches the observers eye and is perceived, it is perceived as a sensation, which is produced in the brain. When colored light of any visible pure or mixed wavelengths enters the eye, many other psychological and physiological factors are contributed. These factors, while open to interpretation, may determine an observer’s final perception of the color. This results in the unpredictability of individual human perception of a given color and whereby makes psychological effects variant. In other words, the transmission of the colored light represents one aspect of color, and the reception of the light by the human eye represents the other. Because the psychological aspect is entwined with the physiological and psychical aspects, this unpredictability exists throughout the system. There are psychological and physiological effect correlations to personality traits. Because color has the intrinsic ability to alter personality, it therefore has the intrinsic ability to alter psychological, physiological, and psychical functions and responses. [1]
- Kelly, Dr. Theresa M.(2011) A Quantum Approach Book Series
Charleston, South Carolina USA.
Further Reading
- Kelly, Dr. Theresa M.(2011) A Quantum Approach Book Series
Charleston, South Carolina USA.
External links
- Free Online Psychical Profiling Assessment – The following assessment singly analyzes the behavioral characteristics of psychical experients and will propose the most likely category/type an experient appertains.