The Manual of Aerokinesis: Applications, Experimentation, and Measurement addresses the psychical influence of flow in regard to elemental gases such as oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen. The manual addresses popular misconceptions such as misidentifying aerokinesis as other forms of psychokinesis, and flow dynamics (e.g. single vs. aggregate particles), address some limitations of psychokinetic influence including those related to the gases physical characteristics, indoor verses outdoor influence, effects involving drag and lift, state variables (e.g. volume, temperature, and density), water vapor (e.g. humidity verses dry air, gas dynamics (i.e. motion) verses inertial forces, and wind verses flow). The manual is more information than it is an instructional resource.
Commonly reported symptomatic effects in regard to experients of aerokinesis including shortness of breath and the prevalence and potential exacerbation of respiratory conditions are also covered along with practical career applications in regard to aerokinetic phenomena (e.g. scientific, medical, and rescue), and experimental applications including rotation and vorticity, influence of turbulent smoke, influence of airflow to direct a solid object indoors, and prevailing winds suggestions on measurement techniques and devices. The manual also includes an overview of the fundamental physics assumed involved in aerokinetic influence and four types of measurement sheets for scientific experimentation.
- Abstract
- Defining Aerokinesis
- Popular Misconceptions
- Aerokinetic Limitations of Influence
- Absolute Pressure: Indoors vs. Outdoors
- Drag vs. Lift
- Volume and Temperature vs. Density
- Water Vapor: The Most Commonly Influence Gas
- Humidity vs. Dry Air
- Motion vs. Inertial Forces
- Wind vs. Flow
- Common Symptomatic Effects
- Shortness of Breath
- Applications and Experimentation
- Rotation and Vorticity
- Influence of Turbulent Smoke
- Influence of Airflow to Direct a Solid Object: Indoors
- Prevailing Winds and Forms of Measurement
- Scientific Applications
- Rotation & Vorticity Measurement Sheet
- Turbulent Smoke Measurement Sheet
- Indoor Airflow Measurement Sheet
- Outdoor Wind Measurement Sheet
About the Author
Theresa M. Kelly, MsD, is a professor of scientific parapsychology, and has conducted psychical research for many years focusing on the phenomenology of psychic experiences, and the personality traits of psychic experients.