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Role of Psi

To understand the Role of Psi, it is best to view psi as an ability, or feature, in which is bound to an individual human being as a function of his or her personality in the broadest sense of that term. Much effort has be given in regards to speculating on how psi works, which is not the same as the consideration of what psi is for or why human beings possess such an ability. Such questions must be addressed to move forward in an understanding of psi, and this understanding must be applied to move forward in developing a model of psi. [1]

The Need-Serving Quality of Psi

Psi modeling points to characteristics of psi such as psi being need-serving; where psi functions to serve goals such as survival and deep psychological needs. These types of needs are not the focus of conscious attention, but rather involve the linking of psi to the serving of subconscious needs. While this is sufficient for spontaneous cases, which lead us to more questions pertaining to the elusiveness of psi, slightly different characteristics are apparent, such as decisions making needs and the need for health and well-being. These types of needs do appear to be the focus of somewhat conscious attention, linking psi to the serving of semi-conscious casual needs, allowing the potential for practical applications. While the practical application of psi may still prove to be somewhat erratic, psi appears to be somewhat designed to adapt to organizing principles, perhaps as a means to maintain the order of mechanisms of probability. [1]

Psychokinesis as a Primary Psi Process

In the mid-70’s there was a shift in view surrounding psi phenomena due to the dismantlement of the classical view (classical physics) of psi because of quantum mechanics (quantum physics). This new view of psi proposed greater importance to psychokinesis, suggesting it to be a “fundamental” or “primary” psi process that could subsume extrasensory perception, rendering extrasensory perception an assumed direct result of psychokinetic functions (i.e. the “movement” of thoughts). I postulate that thought, despite the current incapability of brining a thought “to rest,” which is required to submit a single thought to examination, does have measureable mass as thought is capable of moving in waves in which implies mass.The motion of implied mass therefore suggests psychokinesis as a primary psi process. Such a shift in the view of psi also changed the view of psychokinesis from a psychic mechanism (e.g. a psychic lever) to a force-like function, and then to a view of psychokinesis as the ability to shift probabilities of events, to bias probability distributions. [1]

Psi-Mediation Instrumental Response (PMIR)

The basic concept surrounding the PMIR was that human beings utilize psi to accomplish something (the instrumental response) that fulfils certain needs in which the individual consciously or subconsciously possesses. Such concepts lead to arguments suggesting that psi may be far more common in daily life than in immediately apparent, but that psi does accomplish is goals in a subtle elegant manner void of conscious awareness. Further arguments then direct us towards the question “if psi is a staple in our subconscious daily life, can psi be directed to be a staple in our conscious daily life to any extent?

The assumption in which describes how the PMIR should work have been summarized in the following points:

  1. Psi (as PMIR) is probably operative in daily life far more than we realize.
  2. The chief function of PMIR is to accomplish certain goals or to fulfill certain needs of human beings.
  3. PMIR operates for the most part unconsciously. Not only is the operation of psi unnoticed by the individual, but also the need might not even be consciously recognized. [1]

Psi Education is Critical to Psi Processes

Continued insistences have been made over the years in regards to the role of psi as a function to serve the needs of the individual. If psi is such a useful psychic device, then it should have, and therefore has become, the responsibility of relative scholars to consider more seriously the possible psychological and biological implications of the phenomena deemed “paranormal” and to consider more seriously possible practical applications. It is also therefore the responsibility of the individual to consider more seriously the need to strive for a better understanding of psi functioning in everyday life before they expect to capture it in a practical sense. The practical use of psi is assumed possible via therapeutic and experimental applications in which can be utilized on a daily basis. Regular conscious use of psi, via the subconscious need to perform, appears to be the fundamental key to regular successful psychical influence. Such and education is accomplishable via formal educational opportunities such as the University of Alternative Studies, or informal opportunities such as related journals and mainstream publications. [1]

Psi as a Product of Evolution

Psi ability is viewed as the product of evolution, of the same processes of natural selection that has yielded human beings all other features and abilities. Darwinian Theory has a base explanation for any ability: it serves to help human beings survive and pass on their genes to the next generation. The base explanation here is survival in the biological sense (i.e. the survival of the gene rather than the being). Psi is assumed to be need-serving, and these needs are significant as they contribute to the health and well-being of the individual so as to make the individual better able, and more likely to reproduce to ensure the passing of genes. One may take the tem “survival” to assume psi is only useful in a critical moment collective with a critical need, but the term “survival” should be understood to mean more plainly: the ability to endure on a daily basis, to withstand hardships and stress (i.e. to be well). Considerations include the implication that the individuals subconscious will know, typically subconsciously, in what circumstances psi may or may not be needed. Again, this is not to assume psi can only be used in critical situations or that any event in which can be attributed to the application of psi must have a need behind it, but this does seem to be the case. [1]


  1. Kelly, Dr. Theresa M.(2011) A Quantum Approach Book Series
    Charleston, South Carolina USA.

Further Reading

  1. Kelly, Dr. Theresa M.(2011) A Quantum Approach Book Series
    Charleston, South Carolina USA.

External links

  • Resource LIbrary – The Resource Library includes many forms of informational and educational resources along with community and support resources.