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Telepathic Cognition
Telepathy is the psychical influence of thought via experient influence over the biological basis of consciousness and the mental process by which we perceive, act, learn and remember; Including mental forms and processes such as the nervous system in which processes and transmits information by electrochemical signaling. Telepathic cognition is defined as “the phenomenologically direct knowledge of another person’s thoughts or mental states.” In cases of telepathic cognition, one individual is retrieving information from another, i.e. one individual is able to “pick up on” the thoughts of another individual. The person from whom the thoughts originate does not play and intentional part in the information teleportation processes. Instead, the process is assumed entirely evoked by the receiver. In other words, in regards to telepathic cognition, the “receiver” is the telepathist (an individual with telepathic ability capable of evoking telepathic processes). Here, the telepathist will become aware of the other individuals mental state or states, but should be able to clearly identify that the thought did not originate in their own mind. Here the information is received and perceived by the telepathist, but the thought did not develop from a chain of prior thoughts belonging to the telepathist. Instead, the thought appears to “pop up,“ but is immediately associated with a specific individual other than the telepathist, or simply identified as not originating from the telepathist. The type of telepathist described above could be defined as an experient of spontaneous telepathic phenomena, in that the information appears to “pop into mind” rather than being intentionally requested. Experients of intentional telepathic phenomena are telepathists whom select or specify another individual from whom they wish to extract information.
(Adapted from the book “Telepathy: A Quantum Approach” by Theresa M. Kelly, MsD.) |
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