Offering FREE Online Parapsychology Education for the EXCEPTIONAL

Parapsychology Research

Parapsychology is concerned with the scientific investigation of the ways that organisms communicate and interact with each other and with the environment, that appear to be inexplicable within current scientific models. Stories of the paranormal (apparitions, prophetic dreams and visions, inexplicable awareness of events faraway, divination, miraculous cures etc) have been with us since antiquity, but it was only in the 19th century that the subject began to be studied in a systematic and scientific way.

Did You Know?

  • Some of the top Parapsychologists in the world are Psychologists, Neuroscientists, Physicists and Nobel Prize winners.
  • Several historians have persuasively demonstrated the influence of Psychical Research on the development of concepts in what is todays mainstream Psychology.
  • In the 1940’s, Neuroscience was considered and received funding as Psychical Research.

Parapsychology – Is a discipline that seeks to investigate the existence and causes of psychic abilities and life after death using the scientific method. Parapsychological experiments have included the use of random number generators to test for evidence of precognition and psychokinesis with both human and animal subjects, sensory-deprivation and Ganzfeld experiments to test for extrasensory perception, and research trials conducted under contract to the United States government to investigate whether remote viewing would provide useful intelligence information. The results of such experiments are regarded by some parapsychologists as having demonstrated the existence of some forms of psychic abilities. Source:

Free Publications – Parapsychology

Free Publications – Paraphysics

International Parapsychology Journals

Parapsychology Information

Parapsychology Communities & Groups

  • The Paranormal Research Society – The Paranormal Research Society is looking for members that are interested in the unusual, and unexplained…
  • National Paranormal Research Association – We are an association of Paranormal research groups. Our goal is to open communication between all types of paranormal researchers so we can share ideas, techniques and stories. Anyone interested in the field can become a member.
  • Parapsychology and Related Sciences – We explore apparitions, hauntings, poltergeist(RSPK), electronic voice phenomena(EVP), near-death experiences(NDEs), out-of-body experiences(OBEs), and reincarnation. These are known as survival topics. Telepathy, remote viewing, precognition, clairvoyance, exceptional human experiences(EHE), and moving things with the mind(PK). These are known as psi. Survival and psi make up the science of parapsychology.
  • Parapsychology SIG of MENSA – This group was formed in 1982 as a forum in which to share the investigation and use of our sixth sense and to understand, develop, and refine our psychic potential. Additionally, this group serves as a “safe haven” in which to openly discuss all aspects of the paranormal, without fear of ridicule. All who are interested in this subject matter are welcome.
  • Frontiers Of The Mind – Do you believe in the power of the mind? Do you believe in the infinite potential of the mind? Is it possible to open doorways in the mind and to discover superconsciousness? This group is dedicated to opening these doorways through practices and exercises.
  • Strange Science – Examining topics such as: Psychic Abilities, Time Travel, Cold Fusion, Paranormal Phenomena, Occult, Eugenics, Astral Projection, UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life, Parapsychology, Alchemy, NDE, Life After Death, etc; Reincarnation, Conspiracies, The Science of Magick, Cryptozoology, Mysticism, Cryonics, Human Transcendence, and other subjects on the edges of science.
  • Parapsychology Forum –
  • Metaphysics, Psychology & Psychic Phenomena Forum –
  • Parapsychology and Alternative Medicine Forums –