Telepathy is the psychical influence of thought via experient influence over the biological basis of consciousness and the mental process by which we perceive, act, learn and remember; Including mental forms and processes such as the nervous system in which processes and transmits information.
Course Admission Requirements: Anyone may enroll in an Introductory Course regardless of age, location, and prior education. For more information, please see Recommended Prerequisites and Academic & Career Expectations.
Enroll in Telepathy Courses!
Open Access. No Application Required.
All Study Materials Included (e.g. Text, Assignments, Exams).
UAS Certificate of Course Completion.
Total Hours: Varies per course
Student Interaction Available.
Course Enrollment Period: 90 days per course
Course Fees: $25 Certificate Fee (optional)
Course Developer: Theresa M. Kelly
:: Course 104-A – Models of Telepathy I: Telepathic Phenomenology
This course addresses telepathic association in regards to instructive forms of hallucinatory telepathic experience, the evolution of telepathic phenomenology over the last century, and the four modes of Telepathy. These include; Telepathic Cognition, which is defined as “the phenomenologically direct knowledge of another person’s thoughts or mental states; ” Telepathic Interaction, which is defined as “the causal influence of one mind on another without the intervention of the five senses,” with an overview of Hypnogenic Telepathic Interaction and Hypnotic Telepathy; Telepathic Simulation, or Ostensible Telepathic Content-Simulation, which involves idea sharing, or described as when the mental states of two or more individuals instantaneously become qualitatively identical; and Precognitive Telepathy, which is defined as “the phenomenologically indirect knowledge of another person’s future thoughts or mental states,” and is addressed as a mode of Clairvoyance, rather than Telepathy due to its temporal features. In addition, the course includes the descriptive analysis of all modes, and addresses information telepathically received pertaining to tense information per mode, and the mechanistic properties of each mode. Credits for this course are transferable to Course 104-A for Telepathy-Based Programs, i.e. this is the fourth course of Telepathy-Based Programs offered by the University of Alternative Studies. Upon course completion with a passing average, a personalized digital certificate of course completion will be issued via email. This course is more beneficial when taken secondary to our Introduction to Parapsychology and Introduction to Extrasensory Perception courses. 1 Month Course | 4.5 Weeks Total Hours (Reading): 1.0 | Total Hours (Assignments): 1.45View Content
Course Fees: $25 Certificate Fee (optional)
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:: Course 104-B – Models of Telepathy II: Telepathic Stages and Techniques
This course addresses intentional telepathic experiences i.e. instances when the telepathist is consciously aware of the need to influence and the act of influencing. This course breaks down telepathic processes into several stages assumed required for each telepathic mode (e.g. initiation, selection, exploration, formulation, collection, and search closure). Techniques for Telepathic Cognition include mind mapping, concept mapping, top-down and bottom-up strategies, method of loci (visual-spatial mapping), and memorization via repetition. Techniques for Telepathic Interaction include eye-fixation induction, the physical instantaneous method, verbal induction via distraction, and terminating induction. Techniques for Telepathic Simulation include positive thinking and speaking, and focused listening as a means to achieve or elicit group thought orientation, thought communication, thought negotiation, distributed problem solving, and cross-dependability. Techniques for Telepathic Precognition include those already addressed in regards to Telepathic Cognition. Credits for this course are transferable to Course 104-B for Telepathy-Based Programs, i.e. this is the fifth course of Telepathy-Based Programs offered by the University of Alternative Studies. Upon course completion with a passing average, a personalized digital certificate of course completion will be issued via email. This course is more beneficial when taken secondary to our Telepathy Course 104-A, Introduction to Parapsychology and Introduction to Extrasensory Perception courses. 1 Month Course | 4.5 Weeks Total Hours (Reading): 1.1 | Total Hours (Assignments): 3.5View Content
Course Fees: $25 Certificate Fee (optional)
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:: Course 104-C – Models of Telepathy III: Telepathic Therapeutic and Experimental Applications
This course addresses practical applications in regards to Telepathy including therapeutic and experimental applications. Therapeutic applications addressed include Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Hypnotherapy, and Group Therapy. Course includes an overview of types of therapy, relative factors of therapy associated with telepathic professional practice, and several relative therapeutic techniques. This course addresses experimental Telepathy including experimental effects such as; the experimenter effect, position and decline effects, differential effects, displacement, effects in post hoc analysis, and addresses the improvement role of feedback. In addition, research methods are addressed including qualitative research analysis, quantitative research analysis, and probabilistic research analysis. Also addressed are experimental targets for Telepathy including intuition-based targets, hallucination-based targets such as; visual targets, audio targets, olfactive targets, and tactile targets. Experimental applications addressed include a brief overview of procedural techniques and methods followed by computer simulation, joint meditation involving dual visual testing, sensory deprivation, which addresses the five levels of hallucination (i.e. visual noise, light/dark flashes, colorful visuals and hypnagogic hallucinations, objects and environments, and overriding of physical perception). Also addressed is the Ganzfeld simulation experiment, a dream state experiment, and EEG-based experiments such as the; photic simulation experiment, and video image stimulation experiment. Credits for this course are transferable to Course 104-C for Telepathy-Based Programs, i.e. this is the sixth course of Telepathy-Based Programs offered by the University of Alternative Studies. Upon course completion with a passing average, a personalized digital certificate of course completion will be issued via email. This course is more beneficial when taken secondary to our Telepathy Courses 104-A&B, Introduction to Parapsychology and Introduction to Extrasensory Perception courses. 1 Month Course | 4.5 Weeks Total Hours (Reading): 2.0 | Total Hours (Assignments): 3.5View Content
Course Fees: $25 Certificate Fee (optional)
View Suggested Prerequisites »
:: Curriculum
Models of Telepathy I – Association and Phenomenology Models of Telepathy II – Intentional Telepathic Experiences and Techniques Models of Telepathy III – Therapeutic and Experimental ApplicationsView Content
:: Study Material References
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